McKinney, Reta (Tandragee)
We would like to express our sincere appreciation and thanks for the kindness, sympathy and support shown to us with the recent bereavement of our much-loved wife/mother Reta.
We were overwhelmed by the help, support and understanding given to us by family, friends, neighbours and work colleagues. This has really made a difference to us during this difficult time.
We would also like to pass on our appreciation to all the people who provided care and medical expertise throughout Reta’s illness and in the time leading up to her passing.
All the staff at Tandragee Medical Centre, Macmillan Unit at Craigavon Hospital, Acute Care at Home team, District Nursing team, Marie Curie provided a level of care that went beyond doing their job.
A special word of thanks to Rev Colin Darling for the very personal funeral service and to Andrea Delaney for the beautiful singing at the service.
Finally, sincere thanks to Stephen Stoops (Jackson Stoops and Sons) for his compassion, support and guidance and for the dignified manner in which the funeral arrangements were carried out.