The family of the late Patrick (Packie) Quinn R.I.P. of 22 Toomog Road, Castlecaulfield, Dungannon, who died on August 21, 2023, would like to thank everyone who sympathised with them at their recent loss.
We would like to thank all those who called at his home, brought or sent mass/sympathy cards, letters, flowers and gifts of food. Special thanks to Father Damien Quigley (Craigavon Area Hospital) and Father McAleer (Donaghmore) for spiritually attending Uncle Packie.
Thanks to Packie’s extended family, kind neighbours and friends for all their help and support at this time. We offer our thanks to Father McAleer for celebrating Packie’s funeral mass, to Lauren McCrory and her good friend Rory for the beautiful music and to the Sacristan of Galbally Chapel.
Thanks also to the staff of Campbell Surgery, the District Nurses and to Torrent Pharmacy, Donaghmore for their attendance to Packie during his illness. A special word of thanks to the paramedics who attended Packie on his journey to Craigavon Area Hospital and the also the staff in Ward 3 of Ramone House, Craigavon Area Hospital for their professional care and support to Packie during the last weeks of his life.
Thanks to P. Quinn Funeral Directors for the professional and dignified manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements and refreshments.
Thanks also to the grave diggers for preparing Packie’s final resting place.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a token of our sincere thanks and appreciation.
Packie’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St. John The Baptist Chapel, Galbally on Friday September 29, at 7.30 pm.
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