McVeigh, Margaret. The family of the late Margaret R.I.P. formerly of 43 Leansmount Road, Lurgan, wish to acknowledge with deep appreciation the many expressions of love, comfort and support shown to us by family, friends, neighbours and colleagues, during our recent sad loss of our beloved mum and granny.
Thank you to all those who sent Mass cards, private messages and phone calls.
A special word of thanks to Rev Canon Stevenson for celebrating Requiem Mass and to Mark Magee and organist for the beautiful singing.
A special word of thanks to Dr McStay for the care and attention.
Thank you to Jack Mclearnon Funeral Directors for their professional and dignified manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements.
As it would be impossible to thank all those whose kindness has brought such comfort to us, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all with our sincere thanks.
Margaret’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday February 12 at St Peter’s Church, Lurgan at 6pm.
“May her gentle, kind and beautiful soul rest in peace”.
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