The family of the late Grace Donnelly (RIP) wish to acknowledge our sincere thanks to friends, family and neighbours who offered sympathy and support.
To all who called at the house, sent messages, cards, attended the funeral.
Special thanks to all who cared for Grace in particular to enable care services who attended to care in her own home, to the staff of Sanville nursing home who cared for Grace in her final months.
We as a family are extremely grateful for the exceptional care she received. To the staff in Craigavon ED who nursed Grace in her final days.
Thanks to Fr Garrett for the requiem mass. To the sacristan, Eucharistic minister and to all who contributed to the mass. A special thanks to Malachi Cush and Rory Madden for the beautiful and fitting music.
To Collegeland O’Rahilly club for the use of their premises following the funeral. Thanks to Benedict Martin undertakers for the dignified and professional manner in which the funeral was conducted.
Thanks to the gravedigger for preparing Grace’s final resting place. It is impossible to thank everyone individually so we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted as a small gesture of our appreciation. The holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered for your intentions.
Grace’s months mind mass will be celebrated on Friday October 6, at 7pm in St Peter’s Church Collegeland.
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