Hannon, Bernie. The daughter and family of the late Bernie Hannon, 10 Coolnafranky Park, Cookstown would like to express sincere thanks to our kind relatives, friends and neighbours who prayed for us and supported us through mummy’s short illness and who sympathised with us during our recent, sad bereavement.
A special word of thanks to Fr. Slater for his pastoral visits, these visits were a great source of comfort to mummy. Thanks also to Fr Coll and Fr Slater for celebrating the beautiful Requiem Mass and to Teresa, the Sacristan. To Fr Boyle who called at the house during the wake, thank you, it meant a lot to us.
A special word of thanks to Emmet and Roisin for the lovely music and singing which made the Funeral Mass so special. Thanks also to Shea for playing the pipes on mummy’s final journey, she would have been so proud.
We would also like to thank everyone who helped care for mummy, especially the dedicated team of Carers from Ann’s Home Care, you were all so attentive to mummy and took great care looking after her in recent months.
Allison, Jade and Rebecca, you showed mummy great kindness whilst keeping her company over these last few months, no words can describe how much this helped us.
To mummy’s friends and neighbours who called to visit her, this was much appreciated and showed us how much you all thought of her.
To the Doctors, nurses and staff at Coagh Medical Centre, thank you for the care you provided over many years, and more recently the telephone calls and home visits by the doctors, these were a great source of support.
You were all so helpful when mummy needed anything.
To the District Nursing Team, we thank you for your care, support and kindness during your daily visits. These visits were a great source of support, comfort and reassurance.
Thanks also to the staff of Falls Pharmacy for your help over the years and for the friendliness you always showed to mummy.
We are very grateful to everyone who attended the wake, sent mass cards, sympathy cards, letters, messages, flowers, provided food and expressed their condolences via telephone and social media.
Thanks to everyone who stood out as mummy made her way home on Friday afternoon. On the morning of the funeral we took great comfort from those who lined the funeral cortege route, joined us at the Chapel, viewed the mass online or was present at the burial. Although we could not speak to each and everyone of you, we thank you from the bottom of our heart.
Thanks to the gravedigger who prepared mummy’s final resting place with such great care and to Pius who managed the parking at the Chapel.
Finally we would sincerely like to thank all the staff at Niall A Loughran Funeral Directors for the efficient, dignified and professional manner in which they carried out the funeral arrangements. A special word of thanks to Colleén for her support, guidance and kind words when making the arrangements.
As it is not possible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by everyone as a small gesture of our sincere appreciation. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for all your intentions.
Forthglen, Bellagherty, Newbridge, Mawillan and Coagh
Bernie’s Months Mind Mass will be celebrated on Saturday January 8, 2022 at 7pm in the Church of St Joseph and St Malachys Drummullan and can be viewed here
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