The family of the late Anthony Murphy wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to all who offered support, kindness and sympathy on the recent loss of our much loved Husband, Father, Grandfather and great friend to many.
We thank our family, friends and neighbours, all those who called to our home, sent Mass cards, sympathy cards, letters of condolences and posted tributes online.
To all those who helped at his wake, brought food, flowers and gifts, we are grateful for your warmth and generosity. We extend special thanks to all the caregivers who attended Anthony during his short illness.
To the District Nursing Team and all the GP’s and staff at Willowbank Surgery for their excellent care and professionalism.
A heartfelt thanks to Fr Sean O’Neill, Keady, for his support and for the beautiful Requiem Mass and Fr Greg Carvill, Granemore, for his kindness.
A special thanks to Bridget from Mone’s Funeral Directors for caring for Anthony so considerately and for the help and support she gave us throughout.
Our sincere thanks to all those who joined us for Anthony’s Funeral in person, to those who came out to show their respect by lining the funeral route and to those who viewed the Mass via livestream.
To Catherine Grimley, Soloist, for the wonderful music, to Phillipa and team at The Rolling Pin for the beautiful refreshments, to the Management of Granemore Hall and Corran Hall for their help and to our neighbour Brian for his help with lighting and parking during the wake.
A special thankyou to all of Anthony’s many friends and work colleagues for sharing their lovely stories, we know he was held in the highest regard and that his presence can never be replaced.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually. Please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our deepest appreciation.
‘May his gentle soul rest in peace.’
Anthony’s Month’s Mind Mass will be held on Monday January 27, at 7.00pm in St Patrick’s Church, Keady.