We, the family of the late Dr. Sean McMahon (R.I.P), beloved son of Charles and Frances,Fiancée Debbie, brother of Terence, Edel, Aideen, Searlait, Sarah-Louise and the entire family circle would like to express our deepest appreciation and sincere thanks to our extended family, wonderful neighbours and friends, those who travelled to sympathise and support us on the recent passing of Sean.
Thank-you to those who sent mass cards, letters, floral tributes and message of condolences through social media.
A special word of thanks to everyone who helped out during the wake and funeral, including those who provided food and refreshments – we have taken great comfort from all your kindness and support.
Words cannot express our gratitude towards the Emergency Services, staff of Craigavon Area Hospital and South Lakes Leisure Centre for their professionalism and care that they provided – we will be forever grateful.
We would like to sincerely thank Cannon Michael Toner and Fr. Malachy Conlon for the very special and personal requiem mass for Sean, as well as their help, kindness and spiritual support prior to the funeral.
To Sionan Hanratty and Odhran Murphy for their beautiful music and singing which enhanced our Sean’s mass.
We are indebted to St Patrick’s GAA club for all their support during this very difficult and sad time, for the guard of honour and use of their clubrooms. To Mona McEntee and her staff for providing the beautiful food.
A special word of thanks to Aisling and Seamus of Murray Funeral Directors Cullyhanna for their professionalism and compassion they showed us at this sad time; and for taking such great care of Sean, and to the gravediggers whom carefully prepared Sean’s final resting place. To DMC designs for Sean’s mass booklet.
Thank you to everyone who donated to Acute Services across the Southern Health and Social Care Trust – where Sean’s profession and career was devoted too.
As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgment as a token of our sincere appreciation, gratitude, and thanks. The holy sacrifice of the mass will be offered up for your intentions.
Sean, you are engraved in our hearts forever. Rest in Peace.
Sean’s Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Sunday 1st October @ 11.30 Mass in St Patrick’s Church, Cullyhanna.
Our Lady of Knock pray for him.