Tickets are flying out the door for this year’s pantomime spectacular, ‘Aladdin’, at Armagh’s Market Place Theatre. ‘Aladdin’, will combine dazzling costumes, stunning sets, mischievous fun and thrilling musical numbers all wrapped up in an adventure unlike any you will have ever witnessed….oh yes it will!!
Leave winter behind this Christmas and escape to balmy oriental nights as The Market Place Theatre takes you on a high-flying, magical carpet ride headed for the exotic and mystical lands of the East.
Join a cast of well-loved characters including old Widow Twanky and her poor son Aladdin, and let your imagination take flight with this action-packed and mesmerizing pantomime.
Times are tough but Aladdin’s life is dramatically changed when he falls in love with the most beautiful woman in the Kingdom. Enter the evilest baddie in the Kingdom, Abanazer. Will the evil Abanazer destroy Aladdin’s dreams to get rich and marry the Princess? A high-flying adventure you won’t want to miss.
Performances will run right up to Sunday 23 December, at a variety of times to suit all ages! Ticket prices range from £10 to £15.
To book your tickets for the most exciting pantomime of the season, phone the Box Office now on [028] 3752 1821.
The house is sure to be packed to the rafters for this annual festive hit, so book now, before it’s too late! There are BSL signed, captioned and relaxed performances during the run. Please contact the Box Office for full details.
Tickets for all performances can be booked through the Box Office on [028] 3752 1821, or online at www.visitarmagh.com/marketplacetheatre And to keep up-to-date with the latest news at the Market Place Theatre, you can follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/marketplacearmagh) and Twitter (www.twitter.com/mptarmagh) where you will find all the latest information, special offers and video previews.