Armagh woman Grainne O’Neill will be hosting an event ‘Recharge You’ at the Canal Court in Newry this coming Sunday (July 1).
This is her story and what this event can do for you..
Over the last few years I started to have anxiety – it started to slowly creep into my life. Looking back the first time I properly encountered anxiety was whilst I repeated my A-Levels.
I was able to manage this level myself by breathing techniques and keep it at bay.
Then in 2014 at the age of 21 I lost my mummy to pancreatic cancer, the pain was unimaginable. I never thought I would have to go through something so tough, so young.
This life event made me an even bigger worrier and over-thinker which fed my anxiety.
Throughout the years my anxiety has knocked me a few times but it never interfered with my work life until 2017.
I had a period of time where I was constantly worrying, stressed and anxious about everything.
Looking back I have identified how negative my mindset was, I was putting myself through hell, saying things to myself that I wouldn’t say to my own worst enemy – of course I made myself sick but I couldn’t see this at the time.
I ended up having to take time off work (two and a half months) because I was that bad, I was even having panic attacks trying to reply to a simple email.
I knew things were bad because I was always able to live my life with anxiety until then. IT SCARED THE LIFE OUT OF ME!
I started to go to CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to learn techniques on how to settle my anxiety and manage it.
I have gone to counselling a few times for anxiety and bereavement throughout the years and I am far from embarrassed to share this. I love my life, I want to be happy and healthy so of course I will go to any services I can to help my health. Going to counselling or being on medication is nothing to be ashamed of.
Over the last year I have spent a lot of time on self-reflection and self-development to identify what I was doing to myself and I how I needed to change my mind frame.
I have attended mindfulness courses and retreats, read books on mindfulness, self-esteem and anxiety, joined a weight lifting class which I still attend three times a week. I have learnt more about who I am as a person and about my health inside, outside, mental and physical.
I want to eat better for my health, I take time out for holistic therapies, I spend money on my health – I am investing in my future! Through this I have met so many amazing people who are out there wanting to help others and their health.
Do I still have anxiety? YES.
Do I suffer from anxiety? NO, I prefer to say I have anxiety as it doesn’t own me and I don’t have it on a daily basis.
I have had a lot of sh*t to go through the last four years but who hasn’t? I am not alone and neither are you! It is okay not to be okay – do not be ashamed! Learn more about your health, put yourself first and learn to love you!
I want to help others through Recharge You. It is a day out for you to chill, learn some new information, get inspired and recharge so you can be the best possible version of YOU.
Love & light,