Welcome to the very first Country Comes to Town competition classes of 2019!
First Place: £5
Second Place: £3
Third Place £2
Entry fee: £1, all entries to children’s classes are free.
1. Rose, Floribunda: one vase, three stems, one variety.
2. Rose, Mixed Vase: one vase, four blooms, two or more varieties.
3. Mixed Garden Flowers: one vase, max eight stems, excluding roses.
4. Annuals: one vase, 5 stems, one or more varieties.
5. Perennials: one vase, 3 stems, one or more varieties, excluding roses.
6. Pot Plant in Flower: one pot, one plant, max 30cm pot.
7. Patio Tub: to be viewed from all sides, max 1m diameter.
Crafts (Theme: Country Comes To Town)
8. Decorated Wellington Boot.
9. Upcycled Shopping Bag, max size including handle 30cm x 60cm.
10. Homemade Bookmarker, any material, max size 10cm x 30 cm.
11. Decorated Stone: based on the theme “Country Life”, max 15cm.
12. Scarecrow: made using materials found in the recycling bin only, max height 30cm.
13. Painting: based on theme “Farm Machinery”, A3 size, portrait or landscape, fixed to A3 card/board to prevent curling.
10-14 years
14. Miniature Farm Scene: made using materials found in the recycling bin only, max size 60x60cm.
15. Floristry: Hat to be worn to Country Comes To Town- foliage and flowers to dominate, must be wearable, max size 60x60cm.
16. Painting: based on theme “Farm Machinery”, A3 size, portrait or landscape, fixed to A3 card/board to prevent curling.
14-17 Years
17. Photography: Based on theme “Farm Animal”, A5 size (210mmx148.5mm/8×6″), portrait or landscape, fixed to A5 card/board to prevent curling, printed edge to edge, no borders, must be printed on photographic paper, Name and Class Number on back of card, must be taken in previous 12 months.
18. Floristry: Bowl of floating flower heads, any flower, max bowl size 30cm diameter.
19. Painting: based on theme “Farm Machinery”, A3 size, portrait or landscape, fixed to A3 card/board to prevent curling.
Competition Rules
Each person may submit up to five entries per class (except for photography) but can only achieve one prize per class, prizes to be collected by 5pm on competition day.
Please ensure your exhibit is in the correct class and follow instructions carefully to avoid being disqualified as “not according to schedule.
Notice of entries must be made by 12noon, Friday 15th September 2019. Entry forms may be posted, or hand delivered to Susan O’Connor, Country Comes To Town, Millennium Court, William Street, Portadown, BT62 3NX, or via email to info@countrycomestotown.co.uk
Entry fees must be paid on Competition day when collecting entry card, £1 per entry.
Entries are free for Children’s Section.
All entries to be staged in the judging area 5-8pm Friday 20th September or 8-9.30am Saturday 21st September (judging area to be announce, please check website for location).
Judging will commence at 10am, Saturday 21st September, no exhibitors to be present during judging.
In event of a dispute regarding classification or compliance with schedule, the judge’s decision is final.
Floral exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor, except for Class 15 & 18, vases must be provided by exhibitor.
It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to ensure entries are labelled correctly.
Whilst show organisers will exercise every care, they will not be responsible for loss or damage to exhibits, personal property etc.
Exhibits must not be removed before 4.30pm on show day but must be removed by 5.30pm. Organisers do not accept responsibility for any exhibits not collected by 5.30pm.