2022 is a huge year for Armagh Art Club, marking 60 years since it was founded in 1962. The members today are as proud and delighted with their club as ever, and strive to always meet the highest standards. With mixed ability membership, the sessions are never dull, each one learning something from the other. With expert tutors, the club members have progressed in the techniques and theory of Art. The club also has a very healthy social side, arranging painting trips in Ireland, Spain or wherever the members decide.
With virtually every member a fan of Vincent Van Gogh, the theme of ‘Paintings with A Van Gogh Influence’ has proved extremely popular and challenging and the resulting exhibition is a group of original, interesting and beautiful work.
Friday March 11 – Monday May 16 | Foyer Walls
The Market Place Theatre & Arts Centre
028 3752 1821
10am – 4pm
Free Admission