Cúchulainn CLG, An Mullach Bán
Best wishes to both acts from Cúchulainn CLG qualified for the Ulster final of Scór na nÓg. The instrumental group (Miceal Muckian, Niamh and Fionn Downey & Tomás Ó Ceallaigh) and Moya Strain in the solo singing category. The final takes place this Saturday, January 17th in Three Mile House @5pm. Bookings can still be made for a bus to the Ulster Final at this event. Bus costs £5 per person or £15 per family. Bus leaves Mullaghbawn clubrooms @ 2.15pm & Whitecross @2.45pm. Further well wishes to the Whitecross dancers, Carrickcruppin ballad group & Cullyhanna leiriu. A great evening was had by members of the four clubs on Sunday evening at the preview event in our clubrooms, as all five acts entertained the crowd and whet the appetite of supporters before the big event next Saturday. Thanks to Fergal O’Brien for his dedication and commitment to promoting Irish culture in our talented region.
The South Armagh heat of Scór Sinsear 2015 will be held in Whitecross on Friday, February 6th @8pm. If any acts are fortunate enough to progress the county final, it will be held on Sunday February 22nd @6pm, with the venue to be confirmed. Anyone interested in representing our club in Scór Sinsear can contact cultural officer Fergal O’Brien on 02830888066 or 07980726360. It is a thriving element of the GAA in our area nowadays and Fergal would be extremely interested in speaking to anyone who comes forward.
Well done to Moya Strain who represented our family and club with pride by singing the national anthem before the Armagh-Tyrone McKenna Cup game in the Athletic Grounds last Sunday.
There will be a full committee meeting held tonight, Monday January 12th @8.30pm.
The Club Calendar is still available for purchase, in the clubrooms or Spar Shop. It is priced at £5 or three for £12. Thanks to Shanroe Photography.
Club Mullaghbawn is a fantastic way to contribute to the development of our club. Your contribution of £10 or £20 per month will help to raise much needed funds.
Cards continue on Wednesday @ 8.30pm in the upstairs lounge. Bingo starts downstairs @ 9.00pm, also on Wednesday. Everyone is welcome.
LOTTO – Jan 04th
Numbers: 16,19,23,28
No Jackpot Winner
No Match 3 Winner
Sellers Prize: Angela Bennett & Paul Malone
Next week’s Jackpot: £3300 on Jan 11th
Shane O’Neills
Ulster Colleges All-Stars
Friday night saw three of our ladies footballers – Aimee Mackin, Louise Kenny and Blaithin Mackin – pick-up their Ulster Colleges All-Star awards. These three girls are tremendous ambassadors for the club, both on and off the field and are a credit not only to Shane O’Neills but also to their families and the entire local community and on behalf of the club I would like to congratulate them all.
U14 Girls
The U14s girls start training in Bessbrook Community Centre from 7.00pm-8.00pm every Wednesday evening from Wednesday 4th February.
Training for our U10 footballers has recommenced after the Christmas break on Friday evening in Cloughreagh Community Centre from 7.30pm – 8.30pm. All boys and girls at this age group are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Our U8 footballers are back training every Friday evening in Cloughreagh Community Centre from 6.30pm – 7.30pm. All boys and girls at this age group are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Training for our U6s resumes this Wednesday evening in Bessbrook Community Centre from 6.00pm – 7.00pm. All boys and girls at this age group are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Gaelic for Girls
The Gaelic4Girls programme was back up and running last Saturday with it moving to St Paul’s gym due to the bad weather. There was a great turnout as usual and it was encouraging to see so many of the senior girls helping with the coaching. With an Open Day taking place in St Pauls next Saturday it has been decided to put week 6 of Gaelic4Girls back to Saturday 24th January in Shane’s pitch. A text notification will be forwarded to all parents in advance.
Underage Managers
There are still a couple of underage managers positions to be filled and anyone interested in taking on any of these roles is asked to contact the club youth officer Seamie O’Hare on 07816 268077.
All Committee Meeting
The first all committee meeting of 2015 will take place on Monday night, 12th January at 9.00pm in the club-house. Everyone who took up an officer post or a place on the committee at the recent AGM is asked to attend.
Ladies Players Meeting
A players meeting for everyone playing Senior, Minor and U16 ladies football in 2015 will take place in the club this Wednesday evening, 14th January at 6.30pm. The meeting will cover all three teams and everyone is asked to attend.
Best Wishes
Everyone at the club extends their best wishes to Kevin Barry who was involved in an accident recently.
Last week’s winning lotto numbers were 2, 7, 23 & 29. There were no jackpot winners and 1 x lucky dip winner. The jackpot now stands at £1950.
St Patrick’s Cullyhanna GFC
Congratulations to Sean Connell and Eoin McArdle who made their Armagh senior debuts alongside Mickey Murray in Sunday’s McKenna Cup fixture away to Antrim. Hopefully this marked the start of long careers ahead in the orange jersey.
Ulster Under 21 Championship
Good luck to our under 21s who begin their Ulster campaign against St Joseph’s of Cavan next Sunday at 2pm. Hopefully there will be a good crowd from Cullyhanna in attendance to give the lads the support they deserve.
Big Breakfast
Our thanks to all who organised and attended last weekend’s Big Breakfast in support of our under 21s. We are very grateful to our sponsors- Stafford’s Free Range Eggs, Davis home bakery and Fintan McCreesh.
Fiona Murray- World Dancing Championship
A huge congratulations from all the club to Fiona Murray on winning her magnificent seventh world dancing championship. This is a wonderful achievement and all in Cullyhanna should be very proud of her exploits. Fiona, along with her sister Aisling, were the driving forces behind our superb Strictly Cullyhanna night last June and she did a wonderful job in passing on her talent to our budding dancers.

Father Kevin Cullen, Gary McKeown and Kevin Hoey of St. Patrick’s GFC Cullyhanna were delighted to present of cheque worth £2500 to Martin Murphy representing Northern Ireland’s Children’s Hospice, following a successful fundraising event.
Few could ever have put in more effort to organise and prepare for a club fundraiser and the eventual success of the night was a huge credit to Fiona and Aisling. On the night itself Fiona treated those in attendance to a exhibition of her amazing dancing talent and it is no surprise to those who witnessed her in full flight that her skills are recognised on the world stage. Fiona’s return to Cullyhanna with the world championship final is being marked with a surprise party this coming Friday night so please come along to celebrate Fiona’s achievement and congratulate her on this success.
There will be a committee meeting tonight (Monday) at 9pm in the club rooms.
Could anyone who has any photos etc of the Scor competitions from the 1970s-1990s period please contact Kieran McConville at 07934469497 or email kemcconville@gmail.com.
High Moss Sarsfields GFC
Most Important Notices
Registration/membership day will take place in the Hall on Sunday 18 January 2015 from 11.30am to 12.30pm. All team managers will be in attendance and coaching/training times will be advised to parents/players on that day.
Wednesday 14 January 2015 – Coaching for primary 1, 2 and 3 boys and girls on the new 3G training pitch/Hall from 6pm to 7pm. Cost £1.
Latest News
This week’s lotto numbers 2, 9, 14, 15 – 4 winners – Aoife Greene, Gerald Skelton, Sinead Skelton, Donal McGeown – Next week’s jackpot £850
General Notes
Club Sarsfields is seeking new members to assist with meeting the costs of ongoing development works at the club. Members make a monthly contribution to the scheme with all contributions going towards ongoing club development. The target is to reach 100 members by the end of the year to allow development works to be completed. Please speak to any committee member or team manager who will provide further details
Can all parents please note that construction work is currently ongoing at the field and no children are to be left unsupervised on club premises.
The club website is currently being upgraded. To access Sarsfields Club Notes please log onto The Official Armagh GAA website – Forums-Armagh Club Notes were all details of events happening at the club can be found.
National Draw tickets are now on sale from any committee members costing £10. Sarsfields will receive all the funds from the ticket sales which will go directly to all football teams within the club. Please support this fund-raiser to ensure that the club can continue to sustain the running costs of all ladies and boys team within the club. Tickets will be available to purchase at the presentation night this Friday. Any tickets purchased will also be entered in an additional draw for Sarsfields members only for a prize of £100.
Membership for 2015 is now due. £20 for adults and £5 for under 18’s.
The club have 2 places allocated on a First Aid Course organised by Craigavon Sports Development Unit. If any existing or new club coaches would like to attend this course please contact francis.reynolds1@hotmail.com The dates of the First Aid Course are Wednesday 18th and Wednesday 25th March 2015 and will take place in Craigavon Civic Centre from 6.30pm to 9.30pm each evening.
Coaching for primary 1, 2 and 3 boys and girls continues this Wednesday night 14 January 2015 on the new 3G pitch from6pm to 7pm. Cost £1 . All children to bring £1 and a drink. Children to wear trainers and appropriate outdoor gear in case of cold/wet weather. If weather is too severe coaching will take place in Hall.
Resumes every Sunday night 7pm
£5 entry. Jackpot Snowball £100 prize
Line £5 House £10. Everyone welcome
Starting back every Thursday
9.30AM to 11.30AM
Every Saturday
10 AM – 12.00PM Cost £2.00
Starting on Monday 15th September
For beginners and advanced
7.30 – 8.30PM Cost £3.00
Starts back Thursday 8th January for Junior members. Thursday 15th January Senior members.
7.30 – 9.00PM Membership £2.00
Nightly subscription £1.00
Every Wednesday 11AM to 2.00PM
Every Tuesday 8.00 to 9.00PM Cost £3.00
Montiagh’s Music and Drama Club starts back every Saturday 12pm – 1.30pm, £3 each week.
We have quite a year planned this year, beginning with a fundraising show in December, “Holy Boy” by David Palmer!
The 2014 Awards take place on Friday 31 January in the Social Club. Come along in support of those teams and individuals who have given their all for the Club in 2014. The superb “All Folked Up” will provide the entertainment. A night not to be missed!!!!
The full draw for the Senior Championship took place last night and produced some tasty fixtures- see below. Na Claírsigh has been drawn against Wolfe Tones in the first round. The “back door” system remains in place, no dates or venues as yet.
St Pat’s V St Paul’s; Annaghmore V Tír na nÓg; Granemore V Crossmaglen; Sarsfields V Pearse Óg; Harps V Wolfe Tones; Maghery V Forkhill; Cruppen V Killeavy; Drominee V Ballymacnab
Once again Harps Seniors will run the very popular National League “Punters League”. Punters predict the results of all National League Football matches per round and following the seventh round of matches the punter with the most point’s wins- simple!!!! Last year Eamonn Kelly, a former member of the Senior Management Team, walked away with the £300 first prize.
£20 covers all seven rounds, payable in advance of throw-in on 30 January. Prizes for the top three overall, plus weekly prize winners. Coupon attached or can be arranged through any senior player, Committee member or from the Social Club.
The Club is arranging various training opportunities for our adult members. The free classes (yes free!!!!!) include Pilates, Yoga, Dance and Boxercise and are open to all members- regardless of ability- and will take place in St Patrick’s Grammar School on Tuesday and Wednesday nights, beginning next month!!
This is your chance to work of the excesses of the festive season!!!! The classes will coincide with underage training sessions. Your child’s training, so you can too! No excuses!!!
Interested parties should contact Declan Toal on 07779720543 to advise of their preferred class/classes and night/nights.
Watch this space for details of the programmes.
Training in preparation for the Féile commences tonight Tuesday at 6pm on the JD. The boys will train twice a week- Tuesday’s at 6pm and Thursday’s at 7pm. Good luck to all the players and mentors!!
Training for the 2015 season commenced last night on the JD and will continue each Monday night at 6pm. Good luck girls!!!
BOYS UNDER 8, 10 & 12s
Winter training commences later this month in St Patrick’s Grammar on Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Details of training slots for each age group will be available shortly.
Monday’s lucky numbers drawn were 6, 8, 12, and 15. Two matched three numbers.
Next week’s jackpot is £1,900. Wouldn’t this help to offset those Xmas expenses! Remember if you’re not in you can’t win!!! Buy your Lotto ticket now…only £1 per ticket!!
Please note that the Lotto is now being drawn on a Monday night. Details of winning numbers will continue to be published via the Club notes, the parish bulletin and on Facebook and Twitter.
Armagh County Board are running an Intensive Irish language course on Saturday 31 January at the Athletic Grounds. The course will cater for all levels, Beginner, Intermediate and Higher. The course will start at 11am and run through until 4pm. The cost is £10 and lunch will be provided.
To book a place, or for further details contact Seán – sean@cairdeteo.com.
The first round of the 2015 Scór Sinsir will take place on Friday 13th February in Maghery. All those interested in competing contact Barry Moore on 07803901813 or bazarmagh@yahoo.co.uk
Chair- Paul Gribben
Vice Chair- Paul Quinn
Secretary- Art McGinn
Registrar- Miriam Clarke
Treasurer- Martin Gill
Committee Members-
Frankie McKenna
Aidan Breen
Conor Coulter
Neil McArdle
Barry Moore
John Rath
Paul McKay
Paula Enright
Brenda Gill
John Vernon
Aidan O’Kane
Colm O’Hare
The Club is grateful to these volunteers for their commitment and wishes them well in the tasks ahead.
Exciting new groups will continue to entertain over the coming months. Make the Harps Social Club your regular weekend haunt!!!!!
Indeed, come along and enjoy the craic in the Social Club at any time. Why not just pop in for a relaxing drink any night, listen to the jukebox, watch the footie, play pool or snooker? BT Openzone available in the Club.
Need a venue for a party? The Club, which proudly displays the 5* rating for hygiene from Armagh Council Environmental Health, is now available for private parties and functions-free!!
Book your birthday or special occasion party now!! Contact Brian in the Social Club on 02837523281 regarding bookings.
Are you interested in part time or casual bar work? If so contact Brian on 028375232821. Experience desirable but not essential.
The “Loyalty Card Scheme” is being extensively used by members who are reaping the benefits through the reduced costs in the Social Club. Loyalty Cards are available to all members and can be collected from the Social Club. Collect your card now!!
Each Wedneday night in the Social Club- 7.30-8.30pm.
CAIRDE NA CLAIRSIGH – Is Armagh Harps GFC important to you?
Do you believe our young people need help and support?
Do you value what Armagh Harps and the GAA provide?
Is what we’re about attractive to you?
If you can answer “Yes” to any of these questions then Cairde Na Clairsigh is for you.
Members of Cairde Na Clairsigh agree to contribute at least £10 per month to help make Armagh Harps better for our young people. In return we’ll play our part to achieve a better Armagh Harps. We think that’s a very good deal for everyone!
To join download the Standing Order mandate from the Club website (www.armaghharps.com), Facebook or Twitter, and return to any Committee Member or to the Social Club (address above).
New “Cairde” members are always welcome. Be part of a unique group and wear the special “Cairde” coats. Note that “Cairde” members are full Harps and GAA members.
ABBEY PARK COMPLEX- For information or access please contact groundsman Brian Toner.
Please donate all unwanted women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, shoes and boots, handbags, belts, curtains, bedding, blankets and towels to the clothing bank in Abbey Park. All donations will help support Club funds.
Gift vouchers are available from the Social Club and are refundable against Harps merchandise and can be used towards spend in the Social Club or towards membership etc. Makes the perfect birthday, Xmas present!!!
Tickets for this year’s dinner dance in the Carrickdale Hotel on 13 February are available from the County office (37527278).
Limited edition prints of the current manager by renowned local artist Lorcan Valley are available from the County office (37527278).
YOUTUBE CHANNEL- Visit Armagh Harps on YouTube www.youtube.com/user/armaghharpsgfc
If you have any videos featuring any Club activity, new or old, please e-mail them to armaghharps@btconnect.com for uploading to the site.
Please feel free to forward news, features, events, match reports, photos etc to armaghharps@btconnect.com for consideration for inclusion in the various social media platforms.
Madden Raparees GFC
Underage Coaching Meeting
There will be a meeting this Tuesday night in the Community Centre at 8.30pm for all existing coaches as well as anyone who would like to get involved with coaching in the forthcoming season. Please note you do not have to have any previous coaching experience, all the relevant training will be provided throughout the year.
Senior Training
Pre-season training commences in the Football Field this Wednesday night for anyone interested in playing Senior Football in the forthcoming season.
Training will begin at 8pm Sharp and all players are asked to be on the field for 7.45pm.
Intermediate Championship 2015
The draw for the Intermediate Championship took place on Monday evening past in the Athletic Grounds. The clubs representatives had to wait a while as Madden were one of the last teams to be picked from the bag, however this done will face Clann Eireann of Lurgan in the first round with dates and times to be confirmed at a later date.
Presentation Night
The Football Club along with the Camogie Club will be hosting its Annual Presentation Night on Saturday 31st January in the Community Centre, Madden. Entrance to the event will be £ 10 and can be paid at the door on the night. There will be a meal provided along with some top class entertainment. The Presentation Night has come to be regarded a one of the Social Highlights of the year, for the second year running there will be a Championship trophy in attendance in the form of the Senior Camogie Shield. This promises to be a great night, please try and come out to support and honour all of our teams for their achievements in 2014.
Weekly Lotto
This weeks winning numbers were 12, 20, 22 and 23. Unfortunately there was no winner of the jackpot on this occasion. As it turned out nobody managed to match three numbers either, so the club kindly picked three £ 10 winners themselves. The winners were DD McGuinness (Middletown), Monica Rafferty (Madden) and Caolan Donnelly. Next weeks Jackpot will be £ 1,300.00.
The weekly lotto is seen as a valuable source of income to the club along with the monthly draw. Without these two endeavours the club would struggle to function financially. Recently there has been a reduction in weekly sales which has had a negative effect on some of the clubs plans for 2015. We therefore ask that all members continue to do their utmost to sell their tickets.
Carrickcruppen GFC
Preparations for the new season are now in full swing. The seniors take to the field this week under new managers Jim Loughran and JimKearns,who bring a wealth of experience to the set up.Benny Coulter and Danny Hughes have been appointed to train and coach the squad.Tony Loughran also joins the management set up.
Our U-6 footballers resume training in Bessbrook Community Centre next Friday night 6.15pm to 7.15pm,£1.00 per child-new members are always welcome.
U-8 and U-10 FOOTBALL
Our U8s and U10s resume training next Thursday from 6.30pm -7.30pm in St Pauls H.S,£1.00 per child-new members always welcome.
All roads lead to Three Mile House,in Monaghan next Saturday when our junior ballad group contest the Ulster Final.We wish Katie McArdle,Oisin O Hare,Catriona O Hagan,Ciara Garvey, Shannon Lavelle and team mentor Geraldine Lynch-McLoughlin all the best of luck.Best of luck also to neighbouring clubs Mullaghbawn,Whitecross and Cullyhanna who also represent Armagh in the final.
The newly produced calender is now available to buy-price £5.00.Please support this fund raising venture.
The club is selling tickets at £10 each for a draw with all prizes sponsored by Croke Park.Prizes include trips with the ALL STARS, trips to New York,All Ireland Football and Hurling weekend packages, travel vouchers and many more lucrative trips and prizes.All monies raised by selling tickets go directly to the club,so please support this draw,tickets available from any committee member.All ticket monies must be in by Friday 23rd January.
The annual dinner dance is scheduled for Friday 20th February in the club house-more details next week.
As part of our fundraising,Newpoint Players will be performing Juno and the Paycock next Friday night in Lislea Community Centre at 8pm.Tickets are £8,concessions £5.
The pool team continues to hog the headlines with a well deserved win over McGuigans from Newry last Thursday night on a scoreline of 5-3.Victories for Paddy Clarke,Seamus McGeoghan,Harvey and Marty Lavelle,plus Pat Burns brought the points up the Camlough Road.
The recent annual pool competition for the Tommy Treanor Memorial trophy brought the usual array of talent to the table with Harvey Lavelle defeating Peter Loughran in the final.Over £ 325.00 was raised for Newry Hospice and we thank all those who supported this worthy cause.
The Ladies TABATA exercise classes are proving extremely popular under instructor Tony Loughran every Saturday in the Club rooms between 1 and 2pm,cost £3.New members are always welcome.
The winning numbers in this weeks LOTTO were 3-4-13-24.There were 4 match 3 winners.Next week’s LOTTO stands at
£1100.Gerry McDonnell is looking for new sellers-if you can help him out by selling LOTTO tickets each week,he would be more than grateful to have you on board-age no barrier.
As with all clubs,Carrickcruppen depend on a multitude of people who give of their time to run the club,whether it be football,LOTTO,scor,maintenance,fundraising,etc.,We desperately need more people to come on board to spread the load.The recent flood damage to the dressing rooms mean that we have to redecorate the building once the repairs are complete.If you can spare some time,your dexterity with a roller would be greatly appreciated-please contact any committee member.
Again, we appeal to our members and friends to support/organize any fund raising events that we hold.Carrickcruppen GAC takes a lot of time and money to run,so if you can organize any fund raising event like 5-10K runs,quizs etc.,we would be most grateful.Again contact any committee member with your ideas.
All at Carrickcruppen were saddened to learn of the death of Mary Maginnis of Mountain View Villas,Camlough,wife of the late Benny and mother to former player Aodhan.We send our condolenses to the Maginnis and McArdle families.
We would also like to send our condolenses to the Lonergan family on the death of Malachy,brother of our former player Raymond.
May they both rest in peace.