Crossmaglen Rangers GFC
The main event of the week was our return to Belfast to meet Southern Gaels in a first round replay of the Ulster Minor Championship; unfortunately the outcome was disappointing as our performance did not match that of the previous day. It is often said that if you do not take your chances the first day they do not come around again and in this case it was true. The first half was fairly even and we went in at the interval only two points in arrears Rangers 2 – 4 Southern Gaels 2 – 6. On the resumptions our opponents took control and in the end were convincing winners. Final score rangers 2 – 7 Southern Gaels 3 – 10. Defeat was no disgrace and the boys and management deserve great credit for the success during the year.
Club Meeting
The first club meeting of the New Year will take place on Tuesday the 6th January in the Rangers Hall@9.00pm sharp. This meeting is open to all members and it gives everyone a chance to keep up to date or to ask a question or better still if you feel you could help out in any way please come along.
Christmas Entertainment
The club has a very ambitious programme organised for Christmas and the New Year and you can check out the details on the club website,
Clothes Drop
The first fundraiser of the New Year will be a clothes drop, this event will give members to dispose of old clothes shoes handbags hat scarfs gloves curtains opportunity of disposing of old clothes etc. . If you have any clothes you wish to dispose of put them in a plastic bag and bring them to the Rangers Hall on Friday 23rd. January between 8.00pm and 9.30pm.Donors are asked not to include Duvets or Pillows This is a great opportunity to get rid of old clothes while at the same time supporting your club.
Poker Classic
The last fundraiser of the year will be a Texas Holdem Poker Classic which will be held in the Rangers Hall on Sunday the 28th December commencing at 6.00pm sharp.
Now is the time of year for renewal of membership members will be pleased to know that there has been no increase in fees. Eg. Family £30, Individual £20, Senior&U18 £5. Membership can be paid to Peadar Mc Coy or any member of the committee. Membership can also be paid online
Club Gym.
We are pleased to announce the opening of our new member’s gym. This facility has been designed for our member’s health and wellbeing. The new gym will be accessed by a key fob which can be purchased from Aaron Kernan. Yearly membership until the 31st December 2015 are as follows U 16 free, U 18 £10, Over 18 £20. It is important to note that only members can use the facility but membership is open to everyone. The only entrance to the Gym is by the front Door of the Rangers Hall and up the front stairs.
Walking Track
The new walking track at the club is now for members to use. However it must be stressed that dogs are not permitted on any part of the club premises at any time including council pitches and walking track. Those using the walking track are asked to ensure that they close all gates behind them to keep all stray dogs out. If these arrangements are not adhered to we will have no option but to lock all gates and restrict the use of the track to specify times where users can be supervised. We cannot permit the continued dog fouling to continue any longer. The club would like to thank Gene Duffy, Eugene Hanratty Blarney Rd. Brian Quinn and Gerry Mc Creesh for their generous contributions which enabled us to complete the track.
Members are reminded that if you require a room for a meeting you should check with Shane @ 0872755227 or Marguerite @ 08660479693 re availability.
Cairde Raonaithe Na Croise
Our club provides facilities for twenty four teams. In order to meet increased demand and provide facilities which our young people and members deserve the club are embarking on the second phase of our development programme. In order to do so the club must raise a large amount of money. Members can help out by joining Raonaithe Na Croise and agreeing to donate £20 per month for three years. By pledging your support you will be helping your club meet the challenge of the future. Over the next few months we will be contacting all our members.
The Lotto provides much needed funds for the day to day running of the club and we would ask our members for their support. Tickets cost £1 and can be purchased from any member of the committee or in the local shops. If you feel you could sell some tickets no matter how few please contact Peadar Mc Coy or any member of the committee. For example if you could sell 10 tickets a week it would raise £500 pound a year which would go a long way in covering the travel costs of one of our underage sides The jackpot is very high at the moment and would make a nice prize for Christmas. We need sellers for Lismore and the Dundalk Rd. and if you can help out please contact any member of the committee. The winner of the large jackpot was Francis Martin of Monug Rd.
Social Entertainment
Social entertainment continues in the Rangers Hall on Monday nights commencing at 9. O0pm.the club organises tis event for the benefit of the people of the area, so why not come along and enjoy a good night’s entertainment.
A sincere word of thanks to all newspaper editors for allowing us to use their valuable space to promote our club. I would also wish our members a Holy and Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Cúchulainn CLG, An Mullach Bán
We would like to take this opportunity to wish a very merry Christmas to all Mullaghbawn CLG members, players and supporters!
The South Armagh heat of Scór Sinsear 2015 will be held in Whitecross on Friday, February 6th @8pm. If any acts are fortunate enough to progress the county final, it will be held on Sunday February 22nd @6pm, with the venue to be confirmed. Anyone interested in representing our club in Scór Sinsear can contact cultural officer Fergal O’Brien on 02830888066 or 07980726360. It is a thriving element of the GAA in our area nowadays and Fergal would be extremely interested in speaking to anyone who comes forward.
Best wishes to both acts from Cúchulainn CLG qualified for the Ulster final of Scór na nÓg. The instrumental group (Miceal Muckian, Niamh and Fionn Downey & Tomás Ó Ceallaigh) and Moya Strain in the solo singing category. Further well wishes to the Whitecross dancers, Carrickcruppin ballad group & Cullyhanna leiriu who will all be making the trip to Threemile House on January 17th @5pm.
Mullaghbawn GAA are again this year taking part in the GAA National Club Draw. Some great prizes are on offer and tickets cost only £10. Please support this draw if you can by either purchasing a ticket or selling some. Remember all money raised by the club will be retained by the club.
Great news! The Club Calendar is now available for purchase, in the clubrooms or Spar Shop. It is priced at £5 each or three for £12. This is an ideal present for Christmas and you can support your local club at the same time. A huge thanks to Noelle from Shanroe Photography who collated the photographs.
All orders that were placed for Christmas are in stock and ready for collection. Contact Bernie on 30888015 or call to the club from 9.30pm any Sunday Night to collect!
Club Mullaghbawn is a fantastic way to contribute to the development of our club. Your contribution of £10 or £20 per month will help to raise much needed funds.
Cards continue on Wednesday @ 8.30pm in the upstairs lounge. Bingo starts downstairs @ 9.00pm, also on Wednesday.
Lotto Results – Dec 14th
Numbers: 5, 6, 20, 24
No Jackpot Winner
Match 3 Winners: Seamus & Margaret Strain (c/o Club Mullaghbawn)
Sellers Prize: Bernie O’Hare & Pauric Mackin
Next week’s Jackpot: £3150 on Dec 21st
Silverbridge Harps GAC
All-Star Presentation
On Saturday evening, Silverbridge club had the privilege of honouring its senior ladies footballer, Mairéad Tennyson, who recently received an All-Star award. Mairéad picked up the prestigious prize in recognition of her performance in this year’s TG4 Ulster Ladies Senior Championship. The highest award bestowed upon individual players within the GAA, the club is delighted that Mairead’s hard work and commitment to the sport has been recognized at this top level. Ahead of the club’s Christmas Party night, Mairéad was presented with a token gift to mark our appreciation and pride in her achievements. During the short presentation ceremony, Secretary Jarlath Burns recalled Mairéad’s connection to the club with her late father, Paddy, when she was just a young child and conveyed the pride that would undoubtedly be felt by him, when his daughter donned the ‘Bridge jersey in 2012.
Teammate and close friend, Roisin Murphy, paid tribute to Mairéad on behalf of the senior ladies squad, revealing how her constant dedication and commitment is a driving force for all the players, and describing her as “an inspiration” to others.
Owen Reel, chairman of the Armagh Ladies County Board, and club member, praised Mairéad’s contribution to the sport and conveyed the appreciation of the Board in her achievements, saying she is “a credit” to her club and county.
Thanking everyone, Mairéad recalled how Silverbridge club was always a huge part of her life, through her father Paddy. She expressed her appreciation for all the support she has received from the club and the wider community, and to all who continually come out and attend matches. This support, she said, is of paramount importance to the future of ladies football. Describing herself as “a very proud ‘Bridge woman”, she thanked everyone for their kind words and good wishes. And we, in turn, thank Mairéad for bringing the first ever All Star award to our club, she is indeed “an inspiration”.
In honour of her achievement, club chairman, John Murphy, presented Mairéad with a token gift on behalf of Silverbridge club. The evening concluded with the Christmas party, with entertainment provided by Seamus and Bernard.

Silverbridge Chairman John Murphy makes a presentation to Mairead with her All Star Award. Also pictured: Jarlath Burns (Secretary) Noel Reel (Vice Chairman), Rosie Burns (PRO)
Get Well Wishes
Best wishes from all the Gaels in Silverbridge go out to our esteemed member Tommy Traynor, who has been in hospital lately following an accident at his home in New York. Tommy is from a proud GAA family in Cornonagh and although he has been in New York for almost fifty years, he is a Bridge man at heart and this time last year, came home to watch our minors in the Ulster tournament. Tommy is a lynchpin of the GAA in New York and highly respected both at home and in the U.S. for his sterling work. On behalf of all the people of Silverbridge we wish you a speedy recovery and hope to see you around the Bridge soon. Guímid gach dea mhéin ort agus tú ag pilleadh ar ais ar do sheanléim.
On Sunday 14th December, Santa and Mrs Claus, along with some of their elves, arrived in style at the club, in a seasonal horse and cart, kindly provided by Seamus and Peter Casey (club sponsor). Their arrival was greeted with great excitement from the many young children waiting patiently to see them and Santa didn’t disappoint, spending the day meeting and greeting them. Santa and Mrs Claus would like to thank all the elves – even the lazy elf who spent the day in bed – and numerous helpers for their hard work in preparation for his visit, with particular thanks to Casey’s, Happy Faces Playschool and Silverbridge Senior Citizens club. The clubrooms and Wee Bar were transformed into a wonderful wonderland of fun, with storytelling, snow balling, arts and crafts, all making the occasion a great community success, so a big thank you to everyone who helped out in any way.
Variety Show DVD
DVDs of the recent Variety Show are now on sale and can be purchased in Donnelly’s shop, Silverbridge, Coole Fuels and Murphy’s shop, Glassdrummond at a cost of £5.00.
Club Shop
The club shop will close for the month of January, re-opening Tuesday 3rd February 7.00-8.00pm.
Membership for 2015 is now open with prices unchanged at: adults £30, over-65’s £10 and students £5. Membership Officer Mary McCann will be available to process applications every Monday in the Wee Bar from 8-9.30pm commencing Monday 12th January.
The club lotto remains the biggest in the area with the jackpot having reached a massive £18,200. The lotto is vital source of income, ensuring the successful running of the club and the ability to maintain the various services provided to player members and the wider community. Continued thanks to our lotto committee, current sellers and patrons, your support is much appreciated. Additional help is always welcome. If you think you could sell a few tickets at your workplace or in your locality, please contact any committee member.
St. Brigid’s Youth Club
The Youth Club will reopen on Tuesday 6th January 2015 for girls, Wednesday for boys and Friday for both girls and boys, 7pm – 9pm each night. We wish everyone a merry Christmas!
Silverbridge Bowls Club
Will recommence Wednesday 7th January from 8-10pm and on Thursdays from 9pm. All new members very welcome.
Every Monday and Thursday 8-9pm for male and female with all levels of fitness catered for. Re-commencing Monday 12th January.
Dates to note:
Dinner Dance
Advance notice of the annual Dinner Dance, which will be held on Saturday 24th January in the Carrickdale Hotel.
Silverbridge Variety Show
A final one-off performance of the Variety Show will take place on Saturday 31st January with all proceeds in aid of the Dr. Fee Scanner Appeal. Tickets on sale soon.
Entertainment & Upcoming Events
The Wee Bar is open every Saturday night. Clubrooms open every Thursday night at 8.30pm for usual social entertainment, come along – it could be your lucky night!
If you have something to be included in the notes, the deadline for receipt of copy is 6.00pm on Saturday, contact Bronagh Murphy on 02830868537, 07799 627922 or email:
Finally, the committee takes this opportunity to thank all members, sponsors, lotto sellers and patrons for their support throughout the year and wishes everyone a happy Christmas and prosperous 2015.
Follow us on facebook ‘Silverbridge Harps GFC’ and Twitter @SilverbridgeGAA.
St Patrick’s Cullyhanna GFC
Arm Wrestling
Festive entertainment will come in a novel form in Cullyhanna with an arm wrestling challenge in aid of our Senior team fundraising. This should be an intense sporting event on Saturday 27th December as we crown the Strongman of South Armagh. The arm wrestlers of Cullyhanna want to take on the best South Armagh has to offer so there will be a £200 prize to the club of the winner of the competition. So entrants have a chance to gain both glory for themselves and cash for their club!
Our sincerest condolences to Bernadine Donnelly on the recent sad death of her uncle, Peter Quinn of Mullaghban. May he Rest in Peace.
Fundraiser for Childrens Hospice
Please finish 2014 with a flourish by joining us on Wednesday 31st December from 12pm – 2pm for a fundraiser in aid of a fantastic cause. Everyone is very welcome to the “Superhero” walk around walking track followed by Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocolate and Treats in the Clubrooms. A draw will take place at 1 30pm. The N.I Childrens Hospice is a fantastic cause as it provides much needed support to children with very complex needs who require 24hr specialist care who are cared for and supported every step of the way. The Hospice provides a lifeline to the families of children with life limiting conditions. Celebrate the last day of the year by dressing up as Superheros and join in the walk to support the real Super Heros in the Hospice! More information on the hospice’s work can be found at
Could anyone who has any photos etc of the Scor competitions from the 1970s-1990s period please contact Kieran McConville @ 07934469497 or email
Festive Greetings
We would like to wish all of our members and supporters a peaceful and merry Christmas and a happy new year.
Armagh Harps GFC
Time is running out to get your tickets for the Club’s super Xmas draw!! Remember this year there will be not one, but three draws and three very lucky winners!!!
Xmas Night – £500
Boxing Night- £500
New Years Eve Night- £1,000
Each ticket purchased enters you into all three draws! What an opportunity! For your chance to win purchase a ticket from the Social Club or any Committee Member (members are listed below). Tickets only £10- remember this gives you entry to all three draws!!!! Last chance to be a winner!!!!
The Social Club is the place to be this Xmas- a host of exciting and varied entertainment is planned including-
Xmas Night – DJ Bull will rock the Club
Boxing Night- Ashvery Gents will have you on your feet
Monday 29 December- fundraising night for Romania
Tuesday 30 December- 5 Card Poker!!! Super cash prizes.
New Year’s Eve- welcome in 2015 with the superb Purple Heart
New Year’s Night- Tickles (enough said!)
Xmas orders can be collected from the Social Club from 7pm tonight and tomorrow night.
The Club will be arranging various training opportunities in St Patrick’s Grammar School for our adult members in the New Year. The classes, including Pilates, Yoga, Dance and Boxercise, are open to all- regardless of ability!!
Don’t feel guilty about enjoying the festive entertainment in the Social Club….we’ll help you get back into shape in the New Year!!! This will be your chance to work of the excesses of the festive season!!!! Watch this space for details of classes.
Sunday’s lucky numbers drawn were 6, 11, 14 and 20. Three matched three numbers!!
Next week’s jackpot is £1,700. Wouldn’t this help to offset those Xmas expenses! Remember if you’re not in you can’t win!!! Buy your Lotto ticket now…only £1 per ticket!!
Please note that from the New Year the Lotto draw will be made on a Monday night. Details of winning numbers will continue to be published via the Club notes, the parish bulletin and on Facebook and Twitter.
Chair- Paul Gribben
Vice Chair- Paul Quinn
Secretary- Art McGinn
Registrar- Miriam Clarke
Treasurer- Martin Gill
Committee Members-
Frankie McKenna
Aidan Breen
Conor Coulter
Neil McArdle
Barry Moore
John Rath
Paul McKay
Paula Enright
Brenda Gill
John Vernon
Aidan O’Kane
Colm O’Hare
The Club is grateful to these volunteers for their commitment and wishes them well in the tasks ahead.
The Harps Club is not just for Xmas! Exciting new groups will entertain over the winter months. Make the Harps Social Club your regular weekend haunt!!!!!
Indeed, come along and enjoy the craic in the Social Club at any time. Why not just pop in for a relaxing drink any night, listen to the jukebox, watch the footie, play pool or snooker? BT Openzone available in the Club.
Need a venue for a party? The Club, which proudly displays the 5* rating for hygiene from Armagh Council Environmental Health, is now available for private parties and functions-free!!
Book your birthday or special occasion party now!! Contact Brian in the Social Club on 02837523281 regarding bookings.
Are you interested in part time or casual bar work? If so contact Brian on 028375232821. Experience desirable but not essential.
The “Loyalty Card Scheme” is being extensively used by members who are reaping the benefits through the reduced costs in the Social Club. Loyalty Cards are available to all members and can be collected from the Social Club. Collect your card now!!
Grainne Keenan’s Zumba continues each Wednesday night in the Social Club from 7.30-8.30 pm, only £3.
Continues in the Social Club, on Saturday from 12.30pm for boys and girls age 4 years to 10 years. A second session for 11-14 year olds is available from 1.30-2.30pm! Cost £4 per session. Contact Nicole Knipe 07742849759.
Líofa is an innovative and exciting project that could enable you to become fluent in the Irish language by 2015. Why not log onto the website and register.
CAIRDE NA CLAIRSIGH – Is Armagh Harps GFC important to you?
Do you believe our young people need help and support?
Do you value what Armagh Harps and the GAA provide?
Is what we’re about attractive to you?
If you can answer “Yes” to any of these questions then Cairde Na Clairsigh is for you.
Members of Cairde Na Clairsigh agree to contribute at least £10 per month to help make Armagh Harps better for our young people. In return we’ll play our part to achieve a better Armagh Harps. We think that’s a very good deal for everyone!
To join download the Standing Order mandate from the Club website (, Facebook or Twitter, and return to any Committee Member or to the Social Club (address above).
New “Cairde” members are always welcome. Be part of a unique group and wear the special “Cairde” coats. Note that “Cairde” members are full Harps and GAA members.
ABBEY PARK COMPLEX- For information or access please contact groundsman Brian Toner.
Please donate all unwanted women’s, men’s and children’s clothing, shoes and boots, handbags, belts, curtains, bedding, blankets and towels to the clothing bank in Abbey Park. All donations will help support Club funds.
Gift vouchers are available from the Social Club and are refundable against Harps merchandise and can be used towards spend in the Social Club or towards membership etc. Makes the perfect birthday, Xmas present!!!
Tickets for this year’s dinner dance in the Carrickdale Hotel on 13 February are available from the County office (37527278).
Limited edition prints of the current manager by renowned local artist Lorcan Valley are available from the County office (37527278).
YOUTUBE CHANNEL- Visit Armagh Harps on YouTube
If you have any videos featuring any Club activity, new or old, please e-mail them to for uploading to the site.
NEWS- Please feel free to forward news, features, events, match reports, photos etc to for consideration for inclusion in the various social media platforms.
Sarsfields GFC
Most Important Notices
Well done to all musicians and children who presented “Holy Boy” in the Sarsfields Hall on Friday 19th December. Well done to the Montaighs Music and Drama Group for putting on such a musical performance and to the 18 local children who performed on Friday night.
Greg Breen would like to extend his thanks to all the supporters of the charity ceili held in November for Mandeville Cancer Unit Craigavon. A special thanks to Bernie Lavery, Paula Mc Stay and Orla McCann from the Derrytrasna Ceili Club for all help to co-ordinate the event.
£862.20 was raised for the important ward in Craigavon Area Hospital from ceili proceeds and was combined with donations of £200 from the sponsored assault course completed by Danny Breen. Many thanks to all those who supported these charity efforts.
Meeting for all coaches & managers will take place on Monday 29 December at 7.30pm in the Hall to discuss plans for 2015.
Coaching for primary 1, 2 and 3 boys and girls continues this Monday night 29 December on the new training pitch from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. Cost £1. All children to bring £1 and a drink. Children to wear trainers and appropriate outdoor gear in case of cold/wet weather.
Latest News
This week’s lotto numbers 10,13,19,20 – 5 winners – Sorcha McComiskey, Two Shots, Pegs McCabe, Eamon McGeown Snr, Mark Reynolds – Next week’s jackpot £700
General Notes
Club Sarsfields is seeking new members to assist with meeting the costs of ongoing development works at the club. Members make a monthly contribution to the scheme with all contributions going towards ongoing club development. The target is to reach 100 members by the end of the year to allow development works to be completed. Please speak to any committee member or team manager who will provide further details
Can all parents please note that construction work is currently ongoing at the field and no children are to be left unsupervised on club premises.
The club website is currently being upgraded. To access Sarsfields Club Notes please log onto The Official Armagh GAA website – Forums-Armagh Club Notes were all details of events happening at the club can be found.
National Draw tickets are now on sale from any committee members costing £10. Sarsfields will receive all the funds from the ticket sales which will go directly to all football teams within the club. Please support this fund-raiser to ensure that the club can continue to sustain the running costs of all ladies and boys team within the club. Tickets will be available to purchase at the presentation night this Friday. Any tickets purchased will also be entered in an additional draw for Sarsfields members only for a prize of £100.
Membership for 2015 is now due. £20 for adults and £5 for under 18’s.
The club have 2 places allocated on a First Aid Course organised by Craigavon Sports Development Unit. If any existing or new club coaches would like to attend this course please contact
The dates of the First Aid Course are Wednesday 18th and Wednesday 25th March 2015 and will take place in Craigavon Civic Centre from 6.30pm to 9.30pm each evening.
Resumes every Sunday night 7pm
£5 entry. Jackpot Snowball £100 prize
Line £5 House £10. Everyone welcome
Starting back every Thursday
9.30AM to 11.30AM
Every Saturday
10 AM – 12.00PM Cost £2.00
Starting on Monday 15th September
For beginners and advanced
7.30 – 8.30PM Cost £3.00
Starts back Thursday 8th January for Junior members. Thursday 15th January Senior members.
7.30 – 9.00PM Membership £2.00
Nightly subscription £1.00
Every Wednesday 11AM to 2.00PM
Every Tuesday 8.00 to 9.00PM Cost £3.00
Montiagh’s Music and Drama Club starts back every Saturday 12pm – 1.30pm, £3 each week.
We have quite a year planned this year, beginning with a fundraising show in December, “Holy Boy” by David Palmer!
St Colmcille’s GAC Grange
There are a number of sub committee’s established, should anyone wish to join any of the sub committee’s please contact the relevant person below, this is an ideal way to help the club in an area that you are interested in.
Coaching – Tom Gribben Snr – 07879 891513
Finance & Fundraising – Mary Rafferty – 07815 315655, Seamus Mallon – 07751 927648,Stephen McAneney – 07850 751619
Public Relations & Entertainment – John McArdle – 07881 945104
Irish Culture – Antaine O’Donnaille – 07767 271228
Project Development – Tomas McElmeel – 07733 238148
Field & Premises Maintenance – James O’Hagan – 07764 171019
We are also trying to recruit a new role of Health & Well Being Officer, which has become a much needed role within the GAA. Clubs are in an ideal position to help players, members and others in the community improve their health and wellbeing with only a little extra effort required! Clubs are already promoting exercise through our games but a broader approach would go a long way in helping improve the health and wellbeing of those off the pitch as well as those on it. The role would be to provide information, education and opportunities to address a range of health issues, using both the skills of Club members and other health professionals in the community. Raise awareness of health issues that that affect all members of the Club such as men’s health; women’s health; cancer awareness; blood pressure awareness; drug awareness; dealing with stress; healthy eating; weight control; the dangers of drugs and alcohol; cardiac screening and stopping smoking. If you feel this is a role you could fulfil please contact any committee member.
St Colmcille’s Grange Senior men
Peter Rafferty has been joined by James O’Hagan and Damien Houlahan on his management team of the Senior men’s team. We would like to wish him all the best for the coming season.
St Colmcille’s Ladies Senior & Underage.
Anyone interested in playing football for our senior ladies or any of our underage girls teams next season contact Paula Keegan 07743 398249 as we have football for all ages, U12, U14, U16, Minor & Senior. All new players welcome. Training will be starting mid Jan 2015.ZUMBA FOR
Zumba will be starting back on Tues 13th Jan from 7.15pm to 8.15pm @ £3, anyone interested just come along and join in as it is a great way to exercise and have fun at the same time. All ages welcome.
Ladies darts team
The ladies darts team next League game Wed 14th Jan. Enjoy your Christmas ladies and maybe SANTA will put new Darts or new Dart Boards in all your stockings so you can practise during the holidays.
St Colmcille’s GAC Lotto
St Colmcille’s GAC lotto week 36….. 17th December 2014. Winning numbers. 4, 11, 12, 13. No winner. No match 3. St Colmcille’s GAC lotto week 37….. 22nd December 2014. Winning numbers. 7, 8, 10, 16. No winner. One match 3. Next week’s draw will be back to normal on Wednesday 7th January 2015. Tickets can be bought of any committee member, in the Social Club or Kevin Hughes Shop.Wouldn’t that be nice to win in advance of Christmas. Remember if you’re not in you can’t win!!! Buy your Lotto ticket now…only £1 per ticket!!The lotto is absolutely essential to our club. It enables us to promote Gaelic games and culture as well as community activities for everyone to enjoy. Your support is much appreciated.
National Draw tickets are now on sale from any committee members costing £10. Prizes include trips abroad, weekends at All-Ireland football and hurling finals and semi-finals, shopping trips, vouchers and many more. St Colmcille’s GAC will receive all the funds from the ticket sales which will go directly to all football teams within the club. Please support this fund-raiser to ensure that the club can continue to sustain the running costs of all ladies and boys team within the club. Can any tickets already sold can be returned asap as we have to register them with Croke Park.
Social Club
Dates for your diary include: New Years Eve: Irish Traditional Music by Ciorcal Comhra Ard Mhaca. The Social club is available for any event for the benefit of the people of the area, be it a christening, after wedding party or charity fundraiser etc. please contact any committee member if you wish to use the club. Up coming nights include Annual Dinner Dance in Hillgrove Hotel on 31st January and A Charity night on 24th January, so why not come along and enjoy a good night’s entertainment for a good cause.
Spot of History
Last Week’s Question: The Grange Senior men won their first All County Junior title in 1972, Can you name their daughters that where part of the first All County Junior title winners for the Ladies in 2001?
Answer: Dervla Mallon (Toal), Aideen Toal, Danielle Murray (Murphy).
Can you name the players to have stretched their Senior playing careers over 20 years?