Silverbridge Harps GAC
Sincere sympathy is extended to the nieces Majella and Roma, the Rowland family, extended family circle and friends of Gerry Lambe, Glassdrummond on their recent sad bereavement.
Our condolences also to the family of the late John Francis Murphy, Carrive, who passed away on Thursday. To his wife Marie, daughters Joanne and Louise, our former club secretary and sons Kevin and Peter, our former player, we extend our sincere sympathy.
Both John Francis and Gerry, together with their families, were firm supporters and have held a long association with Silverbridge Harps GFC. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a n-anamacha uasal.
All Star honour
In recognition of the outstanding sporting achievements of our senior ladies player, Mairéad Tennyson, a special celebratory event is planned for Saturday 20th December. Mairéad received the prestigious All Star honour at last month’s TG4 Ladies All Star awards ceremony – the first ever such accolade bestowed upon a member of our club. To mark this momentous occasion, Mairéad’s success will be marked with a special presentation ahead of the club’s Christmas Party night. Proceedings will commence at 8.30pm sharp in the clubrooms and everyone is encouraged to come along and help convey our club pride in Mairéad’s achievement.
Silverbridge Variety Show
If you missed out on last weekend’s performances of the club’s Variety Show, all is not lost, as there will be one more chance to enjoy this hugely entertaining event. The stars of the show will take to the stage once more in a special fundraiser from which all proceeds will be donated to the Dr. Fee Scanner Appeal. Scheduled to take place towards the end of January (with a definite date yet to be confirmed), it is hoped this event will attract the wide community support it deserves.
The club lotto remains the biggest in the area with the jackpot having reached a massive £18,000. The lotto is vital source of income, ensuring the successful running of the club and the ability to maintain the various services provided to player members and the wider community. Continued thanks to our lotto committee, current sellers and patrons, your support is much appreciated. Additional help is always welcome. If you think you could sell a few tickets at your workplace or in your locality, please contact any committee member.
Club Shop sale
Big reductions across a range of club wear in both junior and adult sizes – kids’ t-shirts with club crest from just £5.00. Grab a bargain in time for Christmas! Club jerseys, training tops and t-shirts in stock in all sizes, ideal Christmas presents. Shop open Tuesday 7.00pm to 8.00pm.
Dates to note:
Santa Sunday
Santa will arrive in style at 1.00pm on Sunday 14th December when the clubrooms will be transformed into an enchanting winter wonderland featuring Santa’s Grotto, the Elves Workshop and a unique and spectacular Snowball Room. Along with a visit to Santa, children can spend time in the Elves Workshop for arts and crafts activities where they can make their own Christmas tree decoration. Cost is £5 per child and under 1-year-olds are free. Everyone is welcome.
Christmas Disco
For 10 to 14-year-olds on Friday 19th December.
Christmas Party Night
For the whole community on Saturday 20th December in the clubrooms – make sure you wear your Christmas jumper! The party will be preceded by a special presentation to our club All Star award winner, Mairéad Tennyson, commencing at 8.30pm sharp.
Dinner Dance
Advance notice of the annual Dinner Dance, which will be held on Saturday 24th January in the Carrickdale Hotel.
St. Brigid’s Youth Club
Tuesday night for girls, Wednesday for boys and Friday for both boys and girls. 7pm – 9pm each night.
Silverbridge Bowls Club
Now meets on Wednesdays from 8-10pm and on Thursdays from 9pm. All new members very welcome.
Every Monday and Thursday 8-9pm for male and female with all levels of fitness catered for.
Entertainment & Upcoming Events
The Wee Bar is open every Saturday night. Clubrooms open every Thursday night at 8.30pm for usual social entertainment, come along – it could be your lucky night!
If you have something to be included in the notes, the deadline for receipt of copy is 6.00pm on Saturday, contact Bronagh Murphy on 02830868537, 07799 627922 or email:
Follow us on facebook ‘Silverbridge Harps GFC’ and Twitter @SilverbridgeGAA
Weekly Teaser:
Last week’s question: In 1959 we won the Junior County Championship and in 1984, the Minor County Championship. Name the father and son who each played in their respective County finals? ANSWER: Pat and Martin Traynor.
Silverbridge Variety Show a phenomenal success
Last weekend’s sell-out performances of Silverbridge GFC Variety Show were a tremendous success and showcased at its best the fantastic array of talent associated with the club.
In a packed and varied programme of entertainment, dozens of entertainers took to the stage recreating familiar scenes from Disney’s ‘Frozen’ and ‘Matilda’ to teen favourites ‘Hairspray’ and ‘Grease’. Dancers from the Rooney, O’Malley, Maguire School of Irish Dance, traditional musicians and singers were among the young, and not so young, talented performers who served up hours of magical family entertainment.
Credit must be given to Pat Casey as it was his vision to showcase the huge amount of talent, both within the club itself and across the local community. The Variety Show came to fruition and proved to be a phenomenal success through the hard work and dedication of the fundraising committee and many other club volunteers who began planning the show back in September.
From the outset, organisers enjoyed the full support of the performers, parents and families and their efforts were rewarded in the praise and tributes paid by the packed audiences.
While applauding the efforts of all those who participated, a special mention must be made to the cast of ‘Grease’ whose entire performance was outstanding and comparable to any professional production. Having taken more than a gentle persuasion to encourage them to take part, the boys and girls undoubtedly gained immense enjoyment from it.
The organisers of the Variety Show wish to take this opportunity to thank the many businesses and individuals whose contributions helped guarantee its success.
To all the performers and their parents; the mentors of all acts – particularly Teresa McBride who choreographed many of the performances including Frozen, Matilda, Hairspray and Grease; main club sponsors – Coole Fuels and Donnelly Wholesale; Variety Show sponsors – Garvey’s Bar & Restaurant (main sponsor), Silverbridge Angling Club, Finnegan & O’Neill Plumbing, Julie Murphy, Rockfield Photography and Watters Electrical.
Sponsors of raffle prizes – Murphy Brothers, Carrickasticken, The Cycle Centre Dundalk, Hearty’s Toy & Agri Hire, Millinery by Mairead, Garvey’s Bar & Restaurant, Rory Donnelly Silverbridge Wholesale, Karen Murphy Artist Silverbridge, Beauty on the Loft Silverbridge, Mr Richards Menswear Castleblayney, Ardee Car Parts, Finnegan’s Nursery Silverbridge, Kool 4 Kids Crossmaglen, Newage Electrical Newry, Silverbridge Taekwando, Shine Hairdressing Silverbridge, Roisin Murphy Physiotherapy Silverbridge, Crosby Butchers Crossmaglen, Margaret Murphy Carrickasticken and Ciara Casey, Clarnagh; and finally, all our club volunteers.
Winners of the raffle prizes were: Karen Murphy, Fiona Donnelly, Natasha McShane, Dearbhla Bennett, Gerard McKeown, Ciara Reel, Lorraine Grant, Cian McKeever, Mary McArdle, Christopher Nugent, Aaron Donnelly, Geraldine Watters, Kathleen Loye, Helen Burns, Noelle O’Connor, Eileen Murphy and Teresa McBride.
The final word of thanks must go to the Show’s compère duo of Bridie and Maggie (aka Teresa McBride and Bronwyn Traynor) for their entertaining introductions of, and continuity between, the various acts. Their dry wit and amusing banter prompted gales of laughter and ensured the audience was kept entertained throughout.
During rehearsals and at the show performances, Julie Murphy of Rockfield Photography was on hand to capture some of the memorable acts. Photographs of the various performances are available for purchase. For further information on prints available, contact Julie on 00353 879431243, via Rockfield Photography facebook page or visit
The Variety Show DVD will be available for sale in the coming weeks, further details of which will be published in the Notes, on Facebook and Twitter.
Meanwhile, for anyone who missed out on seeing the Variety Show, there will be one more chance to catch it when the stars of the show take to the stage again next month. This event will be a special fundraiser in aid of the Dr. Fee Scanner Appeal. The date has yet to be confirmed, however it is hoped this event will attract the wide community support to help boost the coffers of this very worthy cause. Tickets will be on sale soon and would make an ideal Christmas present.
Cúchulainn CLG, An Mullach Bán
Ulster Scór na nÓg semi-final is in Banbridge Parish Hall @8pm on Friday, December 12th. Moya Strain and our Instrumental Group will be hoping to make it through to the final on January 17th in Three Mile House, Monaghan. The very best of luck to both acts and please support them if you can. Best wishes to our neighbours from Whitecross and Cullyhanna who will also compete in Banbridge. Ádh mór!
The reaction to the recent reception held in the club lounge for the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Armagh Senior Championship winning team has been extremely positive. With wonderful food being served and entertainment provided by our senior scór group & Moya Strain, everyone got settled down for the speeches.
The Chairman invited Bernard Crilly to take the floor and the 1964 half-back & secretary enthralled everyone with his synopsis of what the GAA was like in the 1950s and 1960s, including a description of some great Mullaghbawn men who unfortunately are no longer with us. Current Chairman Ciaran Ferris and the Chairman from 1964 Michael Quinn, then presented a commemorative picture to players and officials from the 1960 & 1964 winning sides, in a touching show of thanks for their efforts to GAA in Mullaghbawn. In a twist, Ciaran went on to interview three members of the team; Brian Quinn; Pat Smith & Joe McNulty in a Q&A session which proved to be very popular.
The men gave a fascinating insight into the preparation that the team went through among other things. In one of the highlights of the evening, local legend Pat McGeeney then stepped up to read a poem that he especially composed for the event. Pat encapsulated the mood of the whole evening by both evoking laughter from the crowd and his vivid recall of the men of 64’ caused the hair stand to on the back of everyone’s neck. There were further valuable contributions offered by former player & historian Kevin Murphy who reiterated Bernard’s words of the importance of the sense of identity and place associated with Mullaghbawn GAA.
Honorary Mullaghbawn man Gabriel McDonnell from Tandragee then took the mic to describe how he formed his ties with the club. The evening was brought to a close by Brendan Tierney who sent a clear message home with everyone in attendance. Benny stated that knowing and valuing your history is vital if you are to build for the future. He spoke of how the generation of players and officials being honoured at that event were the driving force behind his development as a player and person.
Sunday demonstrated that our club is built on a strong foundation, put in place by the great Mullaghbawn GAA men and women from the twentieth century, but we can’t stand still. We must continue to develop both on the field and off in the twenty-first century and that requires the help of many people. In a message conveyed by Bernard, Ciaran, Brendan and others; there is a place for everyone in OUR club.
Thanks to all who attended and a huge word of appreciation to Anne, Rosie & all of the organisers and indeed everyone who helped with proceedings. It was great to see the legends of our club enjoy themselves in such a special way.
Great news! The Club Calendar is now available for purchase, in the clubrooms or Spar Shop. It is priced at £5 each or three for £12. This is an ideal present for Christmas and you can support your local club at the same time. A huge thanks to Noelle from Shanroe Photography who collated the photographs, Print Line Direct for the printing and all of the sponsors. Aidan Strain Electrical, PT Fitness & Leisure, Boyle & Co. Accountants, Shanroe Photography, Garvey’s Bar & Restaurant, McVeigh Bathroom & Tiles, Julia’s Chinese & Takeaway, Todays Local, Printline Direct, Mullaghbawn Pharmacy, Newry Furniture Centre, Spar Supermarket, Off Licence & Post Office, Mullaghbawn, Seraphic Holistic Therapies, Tara Walsh Solicitors Ltd., McConvilles Family Funeral Services, McKinley Motors, Spar Patrick St. Newry, Railway Bar, St. Mary’s Primary School and Martin McQuillans Wholesale Fruit & Veg.
All orders that were placed for Christmas are in stock and ready for collection. Contact Bernie on 30888015 or call to the club from 9.30pm any Sunday Night to collect!
Club Mullaghbawn is a fantastic way to contribute to the development of our club. Your contribution of £10 or £20 per month will help to raise much needed funds.
Cards continue on Wednesday @ 8.30pm in the upstairs lounge. Bingo starts downstairs @ 9.00pm, also on Wednesday. Everyone is welcome.
St Michael’s, Newtownhamilton
Underage Meeting (Everyone Welcome)
There will be a meeting in the Rural Community Association building on Thursday 11th December at 8pm for anyone interested in supporting and helping with the underage teams. This is one of the most important meetings the football club will have all year and it’s important that parents attend this meeting to show their support for the underage structures in the coming year. Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting.
Club Merchandise
If anyone is interested in purchasing club merchandise (shorts, socks, kit bags, jackets, fleeces etc) please contact Carmel McGarvey (02830 878535).
St Patrick’s GFC Cullyhanna
Underage Presentation
A very large crowd of players and their parents filled the gym to capacity for our annual underage presentation last weekend. Each of the managers from our camogie, girls and boys teams give their accounts of what has been a very busy year for the youth of Cullyhanna.
It is right that the achievements of our underage players are recognised and at under 10 level it was Daire Carragher’s performances which saw him named under 10 player of the year. At underage level, application and enjoyment of the games are central to the ethos of the GAA therefore it is important to note than Paddy Carlisle and Hannah Lennon received the under 10 merit award. Huge congratulations are due to our under 12 player of the year Domhnall Conlon whilst the outstanding performances of Padraig McLoughlin and Caolan Reavey at this level were also recognised.
The “all stars” initiative has been a welcome addition to our end of season presentations and at under 12 level Gavan Duffy, Matthew McCreesh, Nathan Mackin, Daire McGeeney, Conor Lynch and Jamie Quinn had their talents recognised.
Dylan Gray was a very deserving winner of the under 14 player of the year award with the tremendous efforts of Rian Hoey seeing him receive the merit award at this level. The quality of performances from Shea McParland, Niall Conlon, Jack McAneney, Cailim Mackin, Neil McCreesh and Caolan Reavey saw them receive all star awards as the under 14s reflected on a successful season where they captured the Division 2b shield title.
Conor McCombe’s magnificent exploits on the field of play saw him named under 16 player of the year while Gene McNulty’s superb efforts were recognised with the merit award. Ross McQuillan, Jason Duffy, Colum Donnelly, Emmet Kelly and Dylan Rooney were deserving recipients of All Star awards.
The on-field exploits of the girls of Cullyhanna were also an integral part of the occasion and Orlaith McDonnell and Caoimhe McParland were very deserving winners of a joint award for under 12 player of the year. The commitment and talent of Lauren O’Malley and Ciarrai Garvey saw them receive the merit award whilst Ciara Gray’s exploits within the “Gaelic for Girls” initiative were rewarded.
At under 14 level, Lauren McDonnell and Elena Garvey were recognised as joint players of the year following their outstanding performances while the commitment and talent of Aoife Nugent and Karen Quinn led to them picking up the merit awards. At under 16 level, Dearbhla Keenan and Fiona Nugent deserve huge congratulations after being named players of the year while Aoife McCreesh and Megan Hearty were deserving winners of the merit award.
Camogie continues to play an important role within our club and at under 12 level, the talents of Aimee McCooey and Caoimhe McParland were to the fore as they received much deserved players of the year awards with Niamh McAneney a very fitting recipient of the merit award. Katie Hoey’s achievements led to her being named under 10 player of the year award with Eva Donnelly a very appropriate winner of the merit award. At under 8 level, Katie McAneney’s excellence saw her named player of the year with Aoibheann Sheridan’s top class contribution was marked with a merit award.
Last but not least, the Terry Conlon Cup for young club personality of the year is a hugely important honour within Cullyhanna GAA and the outstanding contributions of James Carragher and Jack McAneney to club life meant that they were very fitting recipients of this prestigious award.
We would like to sincerely thank Fr Cullen, our chairman Frank Lloyd, senior player Paudie McCreesh, our triumphant u21 captain Aidan Nugent and Armagh Camogie County Player of the Decade Bernie Murray for presenting the prizes on the night. Finally the club would like to thank all the managers, coaches and players for a great year’s football and camogie.
Christmas Dinner
Our sincere thanks to all those who organised and attended the Christmas Dinner last Sunday.
Shane O’Neill’s GAC
Minor Girls
Our minor girls remain on course to retain their Ulster title following an eleven point win over Monaghan champions Donaghmoyne on Sunday afternoon, 7 – 4 to 3 – 5. Played in atrocious weather conditions with a howling wind and driving snow great credit must go to both teams for serving up a great game of football.
It was a nervous opening from both sets of players before a Moya Feehan point put the Shanes in front but Donaghmoyne equalised soon after. The home side regained the lead shortly after when Louise Kenny got the Shanes first goal of the contest following a fine flowing move but their three point advantage was short-lived as Donaghmoyne replied immediately with a goal of their own.
An Aimee Mackin point put the Shanes back in front before another a great score from Moya Feehan stretched their lead to two but Donaghmoyne hit the front minutes later with their second goal of the contest. However the Shanes responded in great fashion with Aimee Mackin firing to the Donaghmoyne net to put the Camlough side back in front by two but another point for the away side reduced the deficit to just one with half-time fast approaching. With almost the last attack of the half Donaghmoyne found the Shanes net again and they went into the interval two to the good, 3 – 2 to 2 – 3.
The Shanes made the better start to the second-half and an early point from Aimee Mackin left just the minimum between the sides but again Donaghmoyne replied almost immediately with their third point of the game to put them a little bit further ahead.
It is rarely the Shanes girls find themselves in such a tough game but they really dug at this stage and two quick fire goals from Aimee Mackin and the impressive Jessica Watters saw them move into a four point lead, the biggest gap between the sides throughout the contest. The next five minutes proved to be the turning point in the game with Donaghmoyne registering another point to get back within three and they had a great chance to level things soon after from the penalty spot but Moya Feehan assumed the goalkeeping responsibilities and made a terrific save.
From the resulting ’45 the Shanes girls powered forward and the ball found its way to second-half substitute Sorcha McDonnell who clinically despatched it to the roof of the Donaghmoyne net and the Shanes led by six again. However, Donaghmoyne weren’t finished just yet and they got the next point to keep themselves right in contention but the Shanes defence were magnificent at this stage of the contest, fighting tooth and nail for every ball and they managed to keep their opponents scoreless for the remainder of the game whilst scoring a further two goals themselves, both from Aimee Mackin, to claim a hard fought but ultimately well deserved win, 7 – 4 to 3 – 5.
On behalf of the club I would like to congratulate all the girls and their management team on a tremendous result and wish them all the very best for next Sunday. The club would also like to thank all those who prepared sandwiches etc for both teams and their supporters after the game.
The final is scheduled to take place next Sunday against Cavan champions Eastern Gaels with the venue likely to be in Monaghan somewhere but this is still to be confirmed. More information on next week’s final will appear on the Shanes Facebook page throughout the week so be sure to keep an eye on it.
U14 and U12 Boys Presentation
Our U14 and U12 boys had the annual presentation in the club last Thursday night. Both these age groups were amalgamated with Belleek this year and played as Naomh Lorcan O’Neills. On Thursday night all the lads were thanked for all the hard work and commitment throughout the year and are looking forward to next year already. There were two individual awards handed out on the night with Ciarán Mackin being named as U14 Player of the Year with Dara O’Callaghan picking up the U14 Most Committed Player of the Year and they both received their awards from our senior captain Micheál Brady.
U14 and U12 Girls Presentation
Our U14 & U12 2014 girls’ presentation night will take place in the club this Thursday, 11th December at 7pm. In 2014 the U14s were runners up in the Division 1 Championship whilst the U12 girls had a good season in Division 1. All girls and parents are welcome.
Gaelic for Girls
On Saturday last the club had another very enjoyable session of GAELIC4GIRLS, and along with the girls playing on the pitch, there was “Healthy Lifestyle Workshop for Parents” in the clubhouse run by the Southern Health Trust and a big thank-you to them. The last session before Christmas of the GAELIC4GIRLS programme will take place this Wednesday 10th December in Bessbrook Community Centre.
Congratulations to U14 player Orlagh McKenna who was part of the Whitecross Ceili dancing team that won their 5th consecutive Ard Mhaca Scór.
Best Wishes
Best wishes to our club member Noel McTaggart who is currently spending a spell in hospital.
Last week’s winning lotto numbers were 8, 22, 25 & 28. There were no jackpot winners and 1 x match three winner. The jackpot now stands at £1700.
Everyone at the club would to offer their sympathy to the family of Angela McLearnon who died yesterday. Mrs McLearnon was the mother of our club member Angela Jones and grandmother of our underage members Eoghan, Aoibheann and Ciara Jones. May she rest in peace.

Dara O’Callaghan receives his U14 Most Committed Player of the Year award from Brendy Osborne and Micheál Brady.
Wolfe Tone & St. Enda’s, Derrymacash
Cruinniú Bliantúil/AGM
The club’s annual general meeting will take place at the club on Tuesday 9 December at 7.30pm. Tá sé tábhachatach go mbíonn an oiread ball agus is féidir ag an chruinniú seo. All members are asked to attend the AGM.
CLG Ard Mhacha/Armagh GAA
Comhghairdeas to Brian Smyth who was appointed LeasChathaoirleach or Vice Chair of Armagh GAA on Sunday and to Seán Ó Maoilsté who was appointed Oifigeach Caidrimh Phoiblí or Public Relations Officer for Armagh GAA. Comhghairdeas agus ádh mór to all of the officers elected to the Armagh GAA on Sunday. Thank you to James Martin, Paul Heaney and Gary Brankin who represented the club at the county convention. Go raibh míle maith agat to the Madden club who hosted the convention in the Madden community centre and who extended a warm welcome to delegates from across the county.
Hard luck to Matthew Hosty, Matthew Hagan, Callan Duffin and Odhrán Magee who finished second in the Armagh Scór na nÓg table quiz, which was held in the Athletic Grounds on Sunday evening. The boys finished a few marks behind Silverbridge, who will go on to represent Ard Mhacha in the All-Ireland final in February. Go raibh míle maith agaibh ceathrar as bheith mar ionadaithe don chlub. Thank you to the four boys for representing the club.
If anyone would like to represent the club in Scór Sinsear for over 17 years old in Céilí dancing, solo singing, recitation, instrumental, ballad group, novelty act, set dancing or quiz, please contact our Culture Officer Seán Ó Maoilsté.
Camogie4Mothers continues this Thursday between 7-8pm at Centrepoint Sports in Lurgan. New participants are very welcome and no experience is necessary. Equipment will be provided and a good night’s craic is guaranteed.
The annual senior camogie presentation evening will take place on Saturday 10 January in The Corner House in Aghacommon. Everyone is welcome and you should contact Catherine Henderson to confirm attendance.
An Ghaeilge/Irish language
Beidh ciorcal comhrá nua ann do dhaltaí GCSE ag an chlub. Our GCSE conversation group continues at the club on Monday evenings. The group aims to encourage GCSE students to improve their spoken Irish and also offers an opportunity to help students with any difficulties they may be having with grammar, etc. Cuirfear fáilte roimh dhaltaí ón chlub agus ó chlubanna eile chomh maith. Students from other clubs are also welcome to attend
Last week’s lotto numbers were 17, 19, 23 and 24. There was no jackpot winner and match three winners were Teresa O’Neill, John Coleman, Des McAlinden and John McMullan. Sellers prize went to D Magee and this week’s jackpot stands at £5,750.
Crannchur Náisiúnta/GAA Club Draw
The GAA National Club Draw is back with more prizes than last year and therefore more chances to win. Prizes include trips abroad, weekends at All-Ireland football and hurling finals and semi-finals, shopping trips, vouchers and many more. Tickets are available from any committee member or from the bar and a number of club members will be selling tickets in a number of areas in Derrymacash. A ticket costs just £10 and every ticket sold will directly benefit Wolfe Tones and St Enda’s.
Sarsfields GFC
Most Important Notices
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: The club defibrillator has been moved from the new changing rooms and is now housed in an alarmed cabinet in the front porch of the Sarsfields Hall. This is to facilitate quick access in an emergency and eliminate the need to locate keys. PLEASE BE AWARE OF WHERE THE DEFIBRILLATOR IS LOCATED.
Coaching for primary 1,2 and 3 boys and girls will take place this Wednesday night 26 November in the Hall from 6pm to 7pm. Cost £1 per night. All children to bring £1 and a drink
The club’s new training facility will be opening soon. Anyone who would like to hire the facility can e-mail Francis Reynolds at to book a time. Bookings strictly by e-mail only. Times will be allocated on a first come first served basis
Latest News
Well done
Sarsfields Merchandise for sale available from the club now:
Pink shirt 7-8 £10
Apex polo large navy £20
2 medium training top green £10 each
Contact to order.
General Notes
Coaching for primary 1,2 and 3 boys and girls continues this Wednesday night 03 December in the Hall from 6pm to 7pm. Cost £1 per night. All children to bring £1 and a drink.
Club Sarsfields is seeking new members to assist with meeting the costs of ongoing development works at the club. Members make a monthly contribution to the scheme with all contributions going towards ongoing club development. The target is to reach 100 members by the end of the year to allow development works to be completed. Please speak to any committee member or team manager who will provide further details
Can all parents please note that construction work is currently ongoing at the field and no children are to be left unsupervised on club premises.
The club website is currently being upgraded. To access Sarsfields Club Notes please log onto The Official Armagh GAA website – Forums-Armagh Club Notes were all details of events happening at the club can be found.
National Draw tickets are now on sale from any committee members costing £10. Sarsfields will receive all the funds from the ticket sales which will go directly to all football teams within the club. Please support this fund-raiser to ensure that the club can continue to sustain the running costs of all ladies and boys team within the club. Tickets will be available to purchase at the presentation night this Friday. Any tickets purchased will also be entered in an additional draw for Sarsfields members only for a prize of £100.
This week’s lotto numbers 4, 11, 14, 19 – 2 winners – Greg Breen & Rosaleen Kelly – Next week’s jackpot £600
Resumes every Sunday night 7pm
£5 entry. Jackpot Snowball £100 prize
Line £5 House £10. Everyone welcome
Starting back every Thursday
9.30AM to 11.30AM
Every Saturday
10 AM – 12.00PM Cost £2.00
Starting on Monday 15th September
For beginners and advanced
7.30 – 8.30PM Cost £3.00
Starts back Thursday 8th January for Junior members. Thursday 15th January Senior members.
7.30 – 9.00PM Membership £2.00
Nightly subscription £1.00
Every Wednesday 11AM to 2.00PM
Every Tuesday 8.00 to 9.00PM Cost £3.00
Montiagh’s Music and Drama Club starts back every Saturday 12pm – 1.30pm, £3 each week.
We have quite a year planned this year, beginning with a fundraising show in December, “Holy Boy” by David Palmer!
Madden Raparees GFC
Armagh County Convention.
Representatives from clubs throughout the county travelled to Madden Community Centre for the Annual County Convention on Sunday past. This was the clubs first time hosting the prestigious event. Congratulations to Tom Morgan who was re-elected to his post as Games and Coaching Officer for 2015. The evening was brought to a close when Patrick McCusker was called to the stage to perform Amhrain na BhFiann. The club would like to thank all who worked extremely hard to make this evening the resounding success it was. With a special word of thanks to the Ladies Committee for the refreshments and service they provided the attendees both upon their arrival and exit.
Weekly Lotto
Congratulations to our very popular ‘B’ Manager, Brendan ‘The Bomber’ McGuinness as he is set to become a whole lot more popular after scooping the jackpot in the Weekly lotto. Brendan successfully selected the winning numbers 3, 7, 12, 23 to earn the £ 1,500.00 jackpot. There were also five winners of £10.00 in Courtney Fisher, BJ Sheridan, Dawn May Smith (All Kilcreevy), Noleen Hughes, Madden and Tom Morgan rounded off a great weekend taking home the last ten pounds. The Jackpot will return to £ 1,000.00 from net week.
Annual General Meeting
The Clubs Annual General Meeting will take place this Sunday (13th) in the Community Centre with a 6pm start on the proceedings.