If you’re experiencing a problem with a family member, neighbour, housemate or you’re a victim of anti-social behaviour, mediation could help you solve your problems. Mediation is when an outside person helps you find a solution that is acceptable to both sides.
If the Housing Executive or Housing Association has recommended that you use mediation to solve a neighbour or community dispute, the service will probably be free.
What is Housing Mediation?
Housing problems are sometimes caused by disagreements over particular issues, or by a breakdown in relationships. Housing Mediation is a process where an independent mediator with specialist housing knowledge will try to help the two parties talk through their disputes and listen to each other in the hope of finding a solution that everyone is happy with.
Since its launch, the service has worked with parties to resolve issues around repairs, property standards, unprotected tenancy deposits, breach of tenancy terms, noise / anti-social behaviour, arrears and evictions or threatened evictions.
Housing Rights have been helping the people of Northern Ireland deal with housing issues for way over 50 years. Experts in housing, they are recognised as the ‘go to organisation’ for those who are experiencing housing problems in Belfast and beyond, helping thousands of individuals and families every year.
Housings Rights new housing mediation service, funded by the Department for Communities, is an alternative way to solve issues in the private rented sector without the cost of Court.
Who can use the housing mediation service?
The mediation service can be used by tenants, registered landlords, lettings agents and housing associations operating in the private rented sector.
The service can help with lots of different kinds of disputes including:
- Property standards
- Repairs
- Rent/rates arrears
- Unprotected tenancy deposits
- Threatened evictions
- Breach of tenancy terms
- Noise/anti-social behaviour
How does the service work?
If both parties involved in the dispute agree to take part, mediation can take place over the phone, by online video call, or face to face socially distanced – whichever is most suitable for those involved
Housing Rights can provide mediation if:
- You are a young person aged under 25 who has a housing problem or
- You are a private tenant and your landlord is properly registered.
How to access the service?
If you feel that you or someone that you are acting on behalf of could benefit from this free service you can contact Housing Rights by telephone on 02890 245640 (option 6), by emailing mediation@housingrights.org.uk, or you can complete the referral form on the Housing Rights website