Fegan, Hugh, (Warrenpoint). The Family of the Late Hugh Fegan would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who sympathised with us during our recent sad bereavement.
Thank you to the many who could not attend the Funeral but sent Mass Offerings, Sympathy Cards, phone calls, and messages of support and to those who stood respectfully outside his home and the Church on the morning of the Funeral.
Thank you to those who donated to Chest, Heart and Stroke N.I. Our thanks to the Doctors and Nurses at Daisy Hill Hospital who tended Dad over the last few years.
A very special word of thanks to Dr. Mark Murphy, the District Nurses and the team at the Health Centre, Summerhill, their support was constant and invaluable. We will be forever thankful to the team of Carers from The Southern Health and Social Care Trust – Home Care who looked after Dad in is final two weeks, they were kind and compassionate and couldn’t have done more for him. Thank you to all at Walsh’s Pharmacy for their efficient provision of Dad’s medication.
Grateful thanks to Canon Kearney, who before his retirement regularly visited Dad and to Fr. Brendan Kearns for administering the Last Rites of the Church and celebrating Dad’s beautiful Requiem Mass and graveside prayers.
Thank you to Catherine, Michael and Brónach for the beautiful music and singing during the Mass. Very special thanks to Cathal McAnulty and his team for the compassionate, professional and dignified manner in which they carried out the Funeral Arrangements.
Our thanks also to the Parish Centre and Diamonds Restaurant for providing refreshments after the Funeral. As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, we trust this acknowledgement will be accepted by all with our family’s most sincere gratitude.
Hugh’s Month’s Mind will be celebrated on Sunday October, 10 at 11.30am in St. Peter’s Church, Warrenpoint.