Street lights have been fixed in a south Armagh housing development after the presentation of a petition by residents.
Slieve Gullion Sinn Féin councillor Mickey Larkin said there had been an ongoing problem with the street lighting at Park Urney for some time.
He explained: “As the estate had not been adopted by the Department for Infrastructure the responsibility remained with the Housing Association and their contractor.
“I have been working with the Fold and more recently Radius Housing to rectify the fault at the estate. Sinn Féin activists gathered a petition from residents of the estate and the School Road area demanding that Radius Housing fulfil their obligations to the community by repairing the fault.”
The petition was handed over at a meeting with a representative of Radius Housing in Forkhill.
Added Councillor Larkin: “Within two days, following further phone contact with myself, Radius had engaged an electrical contractor who identified the problem as a broken underground cable. The fault was then dealt with and rectified within a fortnight.
“Residents of Park Urney and the surrounding streets are grateful for the speed with which this issue has been resolved following their petition to Radius Housing.
“I would like to thank Radius and their contractor for their prompt action. The resolve of the residents and the activists involved are to be commended.
“It is an indication of what can be achieved when we all work together towards a common goal to the benefit of our communities.”