A public meeting in Forkhill heard how South Armagh must be included in council’s tourism plan going forward.
Sinn Féin Councillor Barra Ó Muirí has said that South Armagh must be included as a key and distinct part of the council’s tourism strategy.
Speaking after a public meeting in Forkhill, Councillor Ó Muirí said: “Tonight, I spoke at a meeting of businesses from the South Armagh tourism sector to hear their concerns and to make it clear that we will not accept a tourism strategy that omits our area.
“South Armagh is rightly recognised as an area of outstanding natural beauty and of rich and unique historical and cultural significance.
“The council’s tourism strategy, rather than focusing on the promotion of one part of the district should instead focus on having ‘Ireland’s Ancient East’ extended into the whole of the district.
“Being part of an All-Ireland tourism initiative would present fantastic opportunities for our local economy.
“Sinn Féin will work with all parties to ensure that our community is given proper inclusion as part of any tourism strategy for the district.”