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Permission granted for extension to graveyard at Portadown church

The agricultural field to be used for the graveyard extension is to the west of the existing graveyard. Credit: Google

Planning permission has been granted for an extension to the existing graveyard on lands adjacent to St. Aidan’s Parish Church of Ireland, on the Kilmacanty Road, Kilmore.
The planning application was lodged by The Barn Studio, Portadown, on behalf of the church.

ABC Planning officers wrote in their report: “The application site is an agricultural field to the west of the existing graveyard serving St Aidan’s Church.

“The submitted layout shows 172 burial plots, concrete paths, gravel paths and retention of existing trees. Pedestrian access will be via the existing graveyard, with internal vehicular access also via the existing graveyard.

“The application site is adjacent to St. Aidan’s Parish Church (Grade B) listed building, which is of special architectural or historic interest and is protected by Section 80 of the Planning Act (NI) 2011.

“Historic Environment Division (HED) has been consulted and consider that the application poses no demonstrable harm to the setting of the listed buildings.”

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