Drugs which were contained in a small Kinder Egg container were discovered by a child in Portadown.
Police highlighted the reckless act on their social media, and said the potentially-lethal package was discovered in the Woodside area of the town by a child who could have misconstrued the item completely.
“It is disappointing to have to put this post up but the sheer recklessness and disregard for the rest of us displayed by drugs users makes it necessary,” the post from police read.
“[This] is not about causing fear or panic either but it is about raising awareness of this occurrence so that parents especially can speak to their children and warn them of the dangers of these items.
“The package shown was found by a small child in the Woodside area of Portadown and thankfully, handed to us.
“The words to express the anger and disgust all reasonable people should feel toward the drug user who left it there are surely in your mind now.
“Please speak to your kids, advise them never to touch anything they find in the street but rather to tell an adult, harm caused to one child is one child too many.
“If you know anything about drugs use or supply please contact us on 101 or contact the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, 100% anonymous, always.
“If you are a user of drugs and recognise the danger you are in please speak to a health care professional.”
Deputy Mayor of ABC Council councillor Paul Duffy condemned those responsible.
“The container and its illicit content was found by a child,” said the Sinn Fein councillor.
“Thankfully it was handed to an adult before anyone came to harm.
“Those responsible are a real and present danger to children and adults in our community.
“I would appeal to anyone with information about the culprits to bring it to the police.”