There are concerns that new planning guidelines in relation to countryside applications could cause issues for future rural housing.
This comes after the Department of Infrastructure sent their ‘Planning Advice Note on Development in the Countryside’ to local councils.
The document provides advice on how councils should be determining rural planning applications including dwellings on farms.
Sinn Féin MLA Cathal Boylan has said is vital that our planning system is able to meet the needs of rural communities.
“New guidance has been issued to councils by the Department for Infrastructure for planning in the countryside,” he said.
“Concerns have been raised that this will make it even more difficult for people to get planning permission in the countryside, and could impact applications which are already in the system.”
The Sinn Féin representative added: “People who want to live where they grew up are already finding it hard enough to get planning permission. It is vital our planning system is able to meet the needs of rural communities.
“Sinn Féin is highlighting these issues with planning officials and seeking meetings to assess the impact of this new guidance.
“I will request that Department officials attend the Infrastructure Committee to question them about the new guidance.”