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Drive safely call as figures confirm 55 died and hundreds injured on Northern Ireland roads in 2019

It was the second lowest number of road deaths since records began in 1931

Fifty-five people died and hundreds more were injured on Northern Ireland’s roads in 2019.

And, while the number fell for the fifth year in a row, it is still much too high, according to the Department for Infrastructure.

Reflecting on the loss of life over the year, Katrina Godfrey, DfI Permanent Secretary said: “While in overall terms road deaths have fallen for the fifth consecutive year, the statistics mask the simple truth that every serious road traffic collision brings life-long consequences for families across Northern Ireland.

“I wish to offer my sincere sympathies to all those who have lost loved ones in 2019 and to those who endure life-changing injuries through road collisions.

“The majority of people are now doing the right things resulting in 2019 having the second lowest road deaths since records began in 1931. Evidence shows that most road deaths are avoidable, as more than nine in 10 deaths and serious injuries are due to human error.

“If we all take that extra second on our journey to consider our actions as we drive, ride or walk, we could see a further reduction in the number of people being killed or seriously injured.

“The Department is actively committed to improving safety on our roads and continue to work closely with our road safety partners in the PSNI, the Fire and Rescue Service, the Ambulance Service and many other agencies to deliver a programme of road safety education, engineering and enforcement initiatives.”

Assistant Chief Constable Alan Todd said: “Despite the historical downward trend, far too many people are killed or seriously injured on our roads every year.

“The simple reality is that many collisions can be avoided. Not paying full attention, poor positioning on the road, excess speed for the conditions and people driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs remain the most common causes of the most serious collisions which kill and injure people.

“Road safety will remain a key priority for all police officers. We are on duty across the country looking for road users taking dangerous and unnecessary risks, but we all share the responsibility for road safety. So if you are driving, slow down; pay greater attention to your surroundings and look out for other road users; leave the mobile phone alone; always wear a seatbelt and NEVER ever drink or take drugs and drive.

“If you are a pedestrian, whether using a footpath, walking along a country road or simply crossing the road, please always be aware of your surroundings. And if you are a cyclist or motorcyclist, please ensure you put your safety first. As we start a new year, please resolve to have a greater focus on road safety, so we can prevent collisions and save lives.”

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