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Public to get say – and design update – in two-day event on Newry’s Southern Relief Road plans

Consultation and exhibition follows community drop-in sessions on multi-million pound project

The Department for Infrastructure is seeking views and providing information on the development of the design of the Newry Southern Relief Road.

The multi-million pound network is one of the planned infrastructure projects set out in the Belfast Region City Deal Heads of Terms.

The will connect the A1/N1 Belfast and Eastern Seaboard Corridor with the A2 and Northern Ireland’s second-largest port at Warrenpoint Harbour.

The event, which will include a public exhibition, will be held in the Sean Hollywood Arts Centre, Newry, between 10am and 9pm on Wednesday and Thursday, June 26 and 27.

The consultation and exhibition follows the recent community drop-in sessions.

The Department’s aim during this stage of the scheme is to identify the environmental, engineering, economic and traffic advantages and disadvantages of the preferred route.

Announcing the event, Southern Divisional Roads Manager, Simon Richardson said: “We are undertaking this community consultation to further seek the views of the local community and other stakeholders to inform the next stage of the process, including the design.

“This consultation is part of a process that will leave us well placed to deliver the ambitions for the Belfast Region that were set out in the City Deal Heads of Terms.

“The route has the potential to improve significantly ‎journey times and journey time reliability for strategic traffic between the A2 Warrenpoint Road and the A1/N1.

“It should also improve road safety and traffic congestion within Newry City centre by providing an alternative route to the A2 Warrenpoint road and associated port traffic.

“The scheme should improve accessibility to both Newry City and Warrenpoint Harbour and also support sustainable economic growth and employment within the area.”

The consultation offers an opportunity for the public and other stakeholders to engage with the Department for Infrastructure and members of the project team on the design of the preferred route as well as the development process, including preparation of the Environmental Impact Assessment and Statutory Orders.

The public may make representations by letter, email, via the Department website at or by using feedback forms provided at the community consultation event.

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