The first phase of construction works which will see the opening of a new Direct Assessment Unit at Daisy Hill Hospital has begun.
The development of a Direct Assessment Unit for the hospital was one of the proposals agreed through the Daisy Hill Pathfinder Project to help sustain and develop unscheduled care services for the population of Newry and Mourne.
Over the coming months a number of staff and services will relocate throughout the hospital to make way for the new Direct Assessment Unit in the current General Outpatients Department.
Welcoming the new development, Southern Trust Chief Executive Shane Devlin said: “We were delighted last month when the Department of Health confirmed details of an investment package to support our Pathfinder proposals and we are now continuing to work closely with our Community and Voluntary partners to implement these plans to sustain the Emergency Department, enhance our High Dependency Unit and develop a Direct Assessment Unit for the hospital.
“We are keen to ensure that the Direct Assessment Unit is operational this winter and so have an ambitious programme over the coming months which will transform the hospital.
“We would like to thank everyone involved in helping us to plan this project so far and ask for the continued co-operation of all staff, patients and visitors to the site whilst we make these exciting changes to our hospital.”
Read more: New £1m assessment unit at Daisy Hill as Emergency Department’s long-term future confirmed
The project has three main phases:
– July/August – refurbishment of the ground floor of the Nurses Home building (access to other floors will continue and the Boardroom will remain operational).
– September – relocation of General Outpatients Department and GP Out of Hours from main building to Nurses Home.
– December – opening of the new Direct Assessment Unit (in current General Outpatients).
Trust staff and contractors will do their best to minimise disruption throughout the construction period. Patients and visitors should follow the signage around the site.
Patients will be notified through appointment letters if there are any changes to the location of their service.
Sinn Fein MP Mickey Brady called it “very positive news from the Southern Trust”.
“This work further reinforces the position of the hospital as a leading Regional medical facility” said Mr Brady.
“I wish to once again acknowledge the input of all who stood together as one to ensure that the Daisy Hill Hospital Facility and Services would be valued and recognised for the importance that they are. United we can achieve a lot.
“It is imperative that investment of both finance and resources into the hospital continues.”