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Daniel’s parents thankful for ‘incredible support’ after ‘devastating’ return of Leukaemia

He is still a very, very ill boy but right now he is mostly comfortable, despite the many complications of this horrible disease

Just two short months after ringing the bell at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, 16-year-old Daniel Greer and his family heard the ‘devastating’ news that his Leukaemia has returned.

The young fighter from Newry has endured a tumultuous battle with Leukaemia for two years, undergoing chemotherapy, three complicated stem cell transplants, emergency surgeries to deal with complications of treatment and several prolonged hospital stays.

When he rang the bell to signal the end of treatment in May, the unimaginable delight was written all over his face.

Related: Daniel does it! Delight as stem cell recipient (16) rings bell signaling treatment end

Sadly, less than two weeks ago (July 25) his parents announced on the ‘Do it for Daniel’ Facebook page that his Leukaemia had returned.

They said: “We are devastated to have to tell you that just a few short weeks after Daniel rang the bell at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and came back home to Newry, his family were told that his Leukaemia had returned.

“Since getting the latest diagnosis they have been trying to make the most of his time at home and also visiting Daniel’s wider family and friends, just to catch up on all that he has missed out on.

“But right now our little fighter is currently very unwell in the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast. His family have asked again for your prayers as they deal with this latest battle.

“Thank you as always for all your support for Daniel.”

This morning, (August 6) ever grateful for the unwavering support of the Do if for Daniel community, they expressed their sincerest thanks for the constant prayers and for the selflessness of donors and fundraising volunteers such as Daniel’s childhood friend, Róise.

They also provided an update on Daniel’s now stable condition: “Thank you all so much for your prayers. Daniel was taken into intensive care at the end of last month because he had developed sepsis which left him gravely ill. Sepsis can be difficult to fight, even for a healthy person, but for a 16-year-old who is already very weak with leukemia it is extremely dangerous.

“Thankfully, staff at the RVH managed to stabilise Daniel to the point that he was strong enough to leave ICU and return to the haematology ward. He is still a very, very ill boy but right now he is mostly comfortable, despite the many complications of this horrible disease.

“We are grateful for all the incredible support, including from people like Daniel’s lovely friend Róise – please take a minute to read her story. Good luck with the jump Róise – stay safe!”

Róise, also from Newry, has been an active volunteer for DKMS UK – an international charity dedicated to the fight against blood cancer and blood disorders – since learning that a preexisting health condition inhibited her from joining the stem cell register.

Adamant that she wanted to contribute Róise has organised vital fundraising events including a recent concert in Newry and is now preparing to overcome her fear of heights in a skydive planned to go ahead this weekend.

The charity wish to remind the public that, like Róise, even if you’re unable to register as a stem cell donor there are many other ways to show your support to their mission.

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