Plans for a controversial housing development in Newry – which attracted over 860 objections and saw a public protest staged – have been shelved, despite being given the green light almost four years ago.
The multi-million pound social housing scheme was to be situated north of Hickey’s Lane, close to Damolly Retail Park, and would have consisted of a total of 27 properties.
The application for the work – in the name of PJ Burns – was submitted to Newry, Mourne and Down District Council as far back as 2016 but was only granted approval in December 2020.
However, it is understood the project will not now go ahead as planned and the site sold on.
Residents were up in arms at the time, so much so they garnered a whopping 865 objection letters, citing
“adverse environmental effects” and a “detrimental impact on the established nature and character of the neighbourhood”.
There were also “safety concerns” over the “sharp increase in traffic”.
Despite the public outcry, council approved the scheme just in time for Christmas 2020.
An official reported: “Whilst the access arrangement will offset on street parking provision this has been compensated by a new parking area for existing residents within Drumgullion Avenue.
“Whilst there has been concerns about an additional 27 units and its contribution to congestion and additional traffic movements, it is considered that the given the small-scale nature of this development in comparison to surrounding development, that traffic movements are unlikely to be significantly above and beyond what is already experienced in terms of existing congestion and traffic movements on the Armagh Road.
“As well as this, the development has been well designed to ensure that there is an adequate pedestrian link to the existing footway network which will only encourage sustainable patterns of movement.
“Overall, proposals are acceptable in principle, objections fully considered, and no major concerns have been raised by consultees.
“Proposals meet the requirements of planning policy and on this basis, it is recommended to approve the application.”
A spokesperson for Radius Housing told Armagh I: “We have considered the possibility of development of this site, however it is not currently in our development plans.”