Concerns over blind approval on a Newry innovation digital hub project have been flagged in chambers this week.
A majority of economy, regeneration and tourism committee members approved a business case and the procurement of consultants in order to draw down funds from the £1bn Belfast Region City Deal (BRCD) pot.
However, despite requests from an Alliance councillor, no information packs on consultations or concept notes were provided before a vote was carried out on Monday (Jan 20). A review is now set to take place in a members’ workshop.
Mournes Alliance rep, Jill Truesdale said: “Our party is very supportive of the economic growth and benefits this innovative hub is projected to bring.
“But our issues are very well documented. And we absolutely support the very real need for a place of work for staff, but not of this location, size and cost.
“As we have just heard the council has conducted consultation and research, which demonstrated the clear need for a hub and that outworking was a concept note issued to BRCD.
“That research and consultation isn’t with the paper for the likes of me who doesn’t sit on the NCCR to look at, to see how we arrived here.
“I requested it because our NCCR member didn’t have it in her files either, but I really think it should be presented in this paper.”
She added: “It is now a case of the horse has already bolted. We really should have had these papers before this came to council, I feel anyway, so we can look at the research and the consultations and then see if there is a clear need.
“We are against the formulation of this hub as it stands within the bigger picture.”
The need for the hub has been generated through the Newry City Centre Regeneration (NCCR) programme board.
According to a Newry, Mourne and Down District Council (NMDDC) report, the local authority has “conducted extensive consultation and research” to identify the need for the hub.
A concept note has now been developed and issued to the BRCD advisory board for approval to begin an outline business case.
The BRCD regional innovative hub would be hosted in the proposed £17m Newry Civic Centre, which was approved by the planning committee in December (2024) despite facing huge opposition on its location from Newry Parish.
The hub is set to create jobs and support industry, academia and education to improve business and production processes or services through emerging digital technology.
A council officer responded: “I note that you have made a request for the concept note today (Jan 20).
“I would suggest in order to take this project forward while the concept note is being considered by the BRCD, I would recommend that we have a members’ workshop where we can discuss through the work that has been carried out to date on the project, to have a review and make members aware of the work that has been done to date and what the facility will deliver for the district.”
A vote was recorded with 12 members for and the two Alliance members abstaining on the approval of the hub plans.