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Campaigners against ‘closed’ Newry Canal bridge demand public inquiry on relief road

“A chaotic public consultation on the Southern Relief Road project has exposed serious contradictions about local political support for a scheme that threatens to permanently close the Newry Canal, the oldest summit-level canal in Britain and Ireland and a cornerstone of Irish maritime heritage."

Newry Ship Canal. Permission for all LDRS to publish. Photo: Newry.LN

Campaigners against closed bridge plans for Newry Canal have called for a “public inquiry” following the launch of a consultation by the Department for Infrastructure (DfI).

Local groups have urged Stormont to change the design to allow tall ships to pass under the bridge into Albert Basin where the planned Newry City Park is to be built

However, Infrastructure Minister John O’Dowd has refused to alter the proposals for the estimated £130m Southern Relief Road, with blue prints for a fixed bridge across the city’s waterway now on public display.

‘Newry 2020’, set up by residents and business owners over 10 years ago, is focussed on improving the city as a tourist destination.

A spokesperson told the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) this week: “We are calling for immediate public statements from all local political parties clarifying their position on the future of Newry Canal.

“A chaotic public consultation on the Southern Relief Road project has exposed serious contradictions about local political support for a scheme that threatens to permanently close the Newry Canal, the oldest summit-level canal in Britain and Ireland and a cornerstone of Irish maritime heritage.

“We want a release of all correspondence between the council and DfI regarding the Southern Relief Road.

“We want a public inquiry and formal review of the consultation process. We need urgent clarity from our local representatives.

“Have they abandoned their commitments to protect our maritime heritage?

“Do they support permanently closing Ireland’s oldest canal to build a fixed bridge that nobody has requested?”

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council (NMDDC) has previously lobbied for Shared Island Funding to change the DfI plans to include the construction of a lifting bridge across the city’s canal.

Over £93m of the project funds have been allocated through the Belfast Region City Deal.

The bridge link of the Southern Relief Road will look to connect traffic from Warrenpoint harbour area to the A1 bypass for onward journeys to Belfast and Dublin.

Rostrevor Action Respecting the Environment (RARE) is a voluntary group set up to protect the local environment.

A spokesperson said: “This statement from RARE, sets out to register our deep concerns at a process, which appears to be supported by misinformation and confusion.

“We understand that many of the decisions already made or approved have been informed by the evidence which is before the decision-makers.

“Our first concern therefore is that a significant number of decisions may have been made already, based on misinformation or, to put it another way, ‘evidence’ which could not possibly have been before the decision-makers.

“There should be zero tolerance for the misinformation of scriptwriters or speakers in supporting the foundations of any proposal for our infrastructure, particular one which threatens the future of an existing and hugely significant section of our transport infrastructure – the Newry Ship Canal.”

The spokesperson added: “Any proposal should also exhibit a clear understanding of planned infrastructure in the immediate area and across the island of Ireland.

“It should also demonstrate a mature and well-informed recognition of the potential infrastructural collision course upon which DfI has embarked by proposing the blocking of Newry Ship Canal to ocean-going vessels with their Southern Relief Road/bridge, whilst the Irish government spends significant sums of money in building their bridge at Narrow water. “Its opening section specifically added to ensure the access for ocean going vessels to Newry via the ship canal, which DfI proposes to block, just a few miles upstream.”

The formal consultation, which began last week (Jan 21), takes place for a period of six weeks up until March 4, at various locations in Newry as well as DfI headquarters in Belfast and Craigavon.

Members of the public can make representations at the venues, or by email, letter and telephone to DfI.
Ahead of the public consultation, DfI Minister, John O’Dowd said: “I am committed to the delivery of the Newry Southern Relief Road Scheme.

“The scheme will help to relieve traffic congestion within Newry City centre, reduce journey travel times for strategic traffic, improve road safety and enhance the city centre environment. The scheme will also provide significant opportunities for the enhancement and reshaping of Newry City centre to promote sustainable travel choices.”

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