Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council’s planners are currently considering an application to bring a house of multiple occupancy (HMO) to Markethill.
Lodged by J and P Smith, the application seeks permission to change a residential dwelling into a six-bedroom house of multiple occupancy for business employees.
The address of the proposed HMO is 20 Willow Dean which is, according to the application form currently a five-bedroom residential dwelling with garage.
Pre-application advice has been provided by the council and with the property already standing, it has been confirmed water will be supplied and foul sewage will be disposed of via the mains.
Any surface water that collects will be disposed of via the existing storm drain.
It is anticipated the change of use could lead to an increase in the number of people visiting the property on a daily basis.
At present the application form claims up to five people could visit the property in extreme cases. It also states that if this plan is approved, a total of six people could visit the property a day in extreme cases.
Lodged and validated on Monday, July 18, the application’s neighbour consultation period will expire on Monday, August 29 and its standard consultation period will expire on Friday, September 2.
The application will be advertised until Friday, September 2.