Emergency services are currently at the scene of a serious road traffic collision in Markethill this afternoon (Tuesday).
The Air Ambulance is among those responding to the incident in the vicinity of Markethill Primary School on the Mowhan Road.
A pedestrian was struck a short time after 3pm.
Police Sergeant Glover said: “Colleagues from the NI Ambulance Service also attended the scene.
“A child was taken to hospital for injuries which are not believed to be life-threatening at this time.”
A NI Ambulance Service spokesperson said: “We received a 999 call at 15.39pm on Tuesday, February 4 following reports of an RTC in the Mowhan Road area, Markethill.
“NIAS despatched an Emergency Ambulance and the Charity Air Ambulance with HEMS on board were also tasked to the incident.
“One person was taken to Craigavon Area Hospital by Ambulance.”
This article will be updated as and when more information becomes available.