An annual Christmas tractor run hosted by a Co. Armagh Orange Lodge has raised £12,000 in vital funds for the Children’s Cancer Unit – and money is still filtering in!
On Saturday, December 14, the 2nd Annual Christmas Charity Tractor Run took place, organised by the Redrock Purple Star Heroes Loyal Orange Lodge 788.
In 2023, the Lodge raised over £8,000 for the Air Ambulance in the festive event, and this year it was hoped they would be able to match the sum, if not come close.
The chosen charity for 2024 was the Children’s Cancer Unit and, on the day, some 67 tractors took part in the short route from Redrock to Markethill via Ballymacnab, then home to Redrock via Hamiltonsbawn and Ratarnet; followed by some supper, raffle and auction.
The Deputy Mayor of ABC Council, Kyle Savage, and charity representative Jane Hoare officially kicked off proceedings, with a tractor and sleigh taking pride of place at the front, alongside a very diverse array of tractors.
Most tractors were festively decorated with lights, tinsel and other accoutrements matching in with the Christmas theme.
Speaking on the proceedings, principal organiser, Kyle Black said: “After several days counting and money being gathered, Redrock Purple Star Heroes are very happy to announce that to-date the grand sum of £12,000 has been raised for the Children’s Cancer Unit Charity.
“The Cancer Unit in the Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children is a vital resource for Northern Ireland’s young people living with cancer and their families, and we are incredibly happy to have raised a reasonable sum towards their never-ending work.”
Kyle went on to offer thanks to all those who contributed on the day, especially the local businesses and families who donated raffle and auction items.
There are still donations comings in, and the Lodge expect the total to rise before the final tally is announced.
Those who would like to further contribute are asked to contact Kyle at 07740252262, or get in touch with any Redrock Lodge member.
In the days ahead a public thanks to everyone who contributed will be placed on their social media presence at Facebook.
Redrock are a very active Orange Lodge, and they now look forward to their next events.
On January 3, 2025, they see in the New Year with dancing to Alistair Spence, then, on January 16, a Family Farm Tax information evening will be held in the hall with speakers from the financial and legal sectors.
These events are open to all the local community, and everyone will be made welcome.
For further information on the events or on Redrock Orange Lodge in general, contact Lodge secretary Quincey Dougan at qdougan01@qub.ac.uk or 07835624221.