People are being urged to exercise caution when walking in the vicinity of a nesting swan at Lurgan Park.
Upper Bann Mp, Carla Lockhart, says she was alerted to an “irate and upset” swan in the area after a number of its eggs were smashed earlier today (Sunday).
“Please be careful if walking past the nesting swan area on the lake beside the road to Lurgan Golf Club,” said Ms Lockhart.
“The swans egg and young has been smashed and killed on the road and the swan is extremely irate and upset.”
Ms Lockhart said it remains unclear as to whether someone has smashed the eggs deliberately.
She added: “Please take care as swans are dangerous animals when irritated.”
According to the Swan Sanctuary, the only time swans become aggressive is when they are protecting their nesting ground or cygnets when they will chase off intruders, be they other swans, geese or humans who get too close.