Masked cowards threatened to place multiple bombs on a Co Armagh railway line on Thursday morning.
PSNI confirmed the security alert on Lake Street, Lurgan to be a hoax.
However, they have since released further details around the latest incident.
“Masked cowards approached NI Railways staff making threats that there were multiple bombs placed on the line,” explained a PSNI post on social media.
Adding: “Translink immediately took steps to safe guard passengers and closed the line.
“Not for the first time, it turned out that these threats were unfounded. Had we ignored them and they were real, lives would have been put in significant danger.
“As it was, checks were carried out and the line reopened with as little disruption to the community as we could manage.
“Inevitably however, this meant diverting resources from our day to day work.
“Over the weekend we made 32 arrests for serious assaults, drink drivers, domestic offenders and drugs suspects. We carried out foot patrols, speed checks and anti burglary patrols.
“Today, the actions of cowards limited that. Instead crews were forced to respond to ensure the safety of the community after thugs tried to bring a halt to both the community, and our day to day work in keeping you safe.
“There is no doubt that violent dissident republicans are responsible for this disruption.
“Yet again, thuggish tactics have been used to try and both intimidate local workers as well as bully the local community into time out of their work, their homes, and forced upheaval.”
“It’s time these remnants of a bygone era either left the stage for good or stepped forward and explained what exactly it is they’re offering society.
“What possible cause can be served by keeping people from their days work and trying to force the evacuation of homes?
“We’d like to thank the community in north Lurgan for their patience and support during this incident, and we encourage anyone with any information about it to call 101, speak to the local community police,PM the page,or speak anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800555111.”