A Lurgan man has been sentenced to seven months in prison for a litany of offences after ignoring judge’s warning to give up alcohol.
Kyle Best, of Castle Lane, appeared before Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Friday, for sentencing on matters relating to a number of incidents which occurred in 2021.
The 29-year-old appeared before the court charged with common assault, two counts of assault on police and resisting police in relation to events on February 22.
He was further charged with two counts of common assault on March 19 and with threats to kill, common assault and attempted criminal damage on August 17.
The court heard that Best’s sentencing had previously been deferred, and he had been asked to give up drugs and alcohol, along with staying out of trouble. However, he appeared in breach of the deferment, following a drink binge that left him hospitalised.
District Judge Bernie Kelly said: “I had asked for very precious little from him. I asked for him to behave.
“I asked for no drugs and no alcohol. No alcohol. Nil. But he’s continued to drink to such an extent that after binging for several days he requires to be hospitalised. That’s not no alcohol.
“I told him what would happen if he breached.
“I’m a woman of my word. When I promised him something, I make sure I keep that promise.”
For the common assault, two assaults on police and resisting police, Best was sentenced to two months in respect of all four charges on February 22, with sentences to run concurrently.
He was also sentenced to two months in respect of the two common assault charges on March 19.
For the charges on August 17, namely the threats to kill, common assault and attempted criminal damage, he was sentenced to three months.
The sentences passed for each of the three incidents are to run consecutively, meaning a total of seven months in custody.