A Lurgan man who poured bleach over his neighbour’s flowers, whilst in breach of a restraining order, has been sentenced to three months in custody.
Peter Brady, of Bridge Street, appeared via video-link from Maghaberry, before Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Friday for sentencing.
The 50-year-old pleaded guilty to the charges of two counts of criminal damage and one count of breaching a restraining order.
The court heard that on July 23 of this year, police received a report of criminal damage and the breach of a restraining order in Lurgan.
It had been alleged that the defendant had been observed pouring bleach into his neighbour’s plants, one of whom was the applicant of a restraining order that was in place at the time.
The defendant made full admissions in interview of two counts of criminal damage to plants and breach of a restraining order.
Brady’s Defence Counsel, Danielle McMahon said that her client had entered a guilty plea “at the first opportunity.”
McMahon said: “He’s a man who suffers from a learning disability. From the age of 15, he was placed in Muckamore, where he spent the next 26 years of his life.
“He has been in custody since August 8,” the defence added.
District Judge Bernie Kelly commented: “He has to understand that he can’t keep breaching the restraining order…..I’m not sure how you deal with that but you’re going to have to find a way.
“Given the fact that he has served a reasonable proportion of time on remand, I’m certifying the offences before the court as so serious that there is only one penalty.”
For the breach of the restraining order, Brady was sentenced to two months in custody, and for the the criminal damage charges, he was sentenced to three months in respect of each.
All periods of custody were to run concurrently, leaving a total of three months in custody.
“If my maths is right, he has already served that on remand,” Judge Kelly said.