Police have described a break-in at a house in Co Armagh as “heinous” as thieves made off with high value traditional Indian jewellery.
The break-in happened on Franklyn Drive, Lurgan between 4.50pm and 5.50pm last night (Tuesday).
Police said: “Burglars broke into the home of a couple who live in Franklyn Park, off Gilford Road, Lurgan. Rooms were ransacked, and a considerable quantity of high value, traditional Indian jewellery was stolen.
“If you live in the area, or were driving by and saw anyone or any vehicles which looked out of place or new to the area, please call us immediately. It is infuriating and plain wrong that these excuses for human beings can be allowed to operate in our area and come and go without being spotted.
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“The incident number is 1041 of 28/11/17, and we would love to hear from you. You can also speak anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Police have also warned home owners to be wary, especially in the lead up to Christmas.
“If you are a pawn shop or gold shop worker, please be on the lookout for this stuff,” said the PSNI spokesperson.
“[We] know this is potential business for you, but think about this – these aren’t simply “questionable sellers”.
“These are people who break into strangers homes, terrorise them, and take their things. Their next target could be your own parents, or another friend, neighbour or family member.
“If someone tries to sell what appears to be Indian jewellery to you, get as much information as you can and call us immediately.
“We’d take great pleasure in putting them in cuffs before going through their home as thoroughly as they have gone through others.
“Report ALL suspicious activity in a timely and accurate manner. Phone 101 with anything you’re not happy about, or 999 if you think there is a break in ongoing.”
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