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Four week ban for ‘R’ driver caught travelling at 88mph on motorway

Defence said he had sped up to overtake lorries due to his visibility being affected by water spray

A Lurgan man who was caught travelling at 88mph on the motorway as an ‘R’ driver has been disqualified for four weeks.

The 32-year-old’s barrister told court the defendant had sped up to overtake lorries due to his visibility being affected by water spray.

Kamil Dudek, of Silverwood Leaves, pleaded guilty to being an ‘R’ driver exceeding the 45mph restriction at Craigavon Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday.

It was heard the offence, which occurred on April 4, saw the defendant spotted travelling at 88mph on the M1 motorway.

District Judge Bernie Kelly commented that this was “nearly twice his restricted speed”.

Defence barrister Damien Halloran stated: “Mr Dudek was travelling from Belfast back home, the road was wet and a chain of two lorries in front of him.

“He was worried about visibility due to spray and sped up to get around them”.

District Judge Kelly said: “The maximum speed for a lorry is 56mph, his max is 45mph. He should never be in the situation where he has to overtake a lorry.”

Mr Halloran stated: “Mr Dudek has been in this country over 20 years. He speaks fluent English. His place of work would be an hour to walk to and there is no public transport.

“He also has a son who resides with his mother in Dublin. Mr Dudek requires the car to travel up and down for contact.”

He continued: “Mr Dudek is no longer an ‘R’ drive. I would suggest giving him five penalty points as he is still a newly qualified driver or imposing a short disqualification.”

The defendant was disqualified from driving for four weeks and ordered to pay a fine of £100, along with the offender’s levy of £15, within eight weeks.

District Judge Kelly commented: “He can count himself lucky it isn’t longer.”

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