A former nursing home in Donaghcloney, known as Monree Lodge, is to be converted into a daycare/crèche facility.
The planning application was lodged by Andrew Nesbitt Architects, Belfast, on behalf of Beulah Keane, of 1 Monree Lodge, Monree Road.
The adjacent Donaghcloney House, where the applicant lives, is a Grade B listed building, and separate planning consent had to be sought because of its special architectural and historic interest.
ABC planning officers welcomed the redevelopment plans which will give a new lease of life to the former nursing home, stating: “The site comprises of a vacant property known as Monree Lodge which is sited adjacent to Donaghcloney House, a listed building.
“It is a two-storey, red-brick building which was last used as a nursing home.
“The proposal is for full planning permission for change of use from nursing home (Class C3) to daycare/crèche facility, with provision of required parking and all related site works.
“The application form states that the proposal will provide care for 25 children and will provide employment for 10 employees.
“Other than the replacement of a window with doors on the south west elevation, any changes to the building will be internal.
“The proposal also includes the creation of 14 car-parking spaces and a minor development to separate the crèche facility at Monree Lodge from the dwelling at Donaghcloney House, and to ensure the new facility is suitably enclosed for the safety of children. This primarily takes the form of red brick walls and wooden fencing.
“Environmental Health Office have no objections to the proposal. They advise that they have examined the revised noise impact assessment dated December 2024.
“This assessment refers to additional control measures in the form of a noise management plan which has been agreed with the applicant/operator.
“Officers note that there is no stand-alone daycare/ crèche facility within Donaghcloney to cater for its residents, and that there is a need for such a use in the village. The proposal will also bring a vacant building back into use.

Planning approval has been granted for the conversion of Monree Lodge nursing home, in Donaghcloney, into a daycare/crèche facility. Credit: ABC planning portal/Andrew Nesbitt Architects
“The main source of disturbance is noise generated either by additional traffic attracted to the site, or by the outdoor playing of the children.
“Officers, in consultation with Environmental Health officers, are satisfied that the proposal will not adversely impact upon neighbouring properties, provided that noise barriers are erected as shown on the approved plans and noise assessment, and that the number of children to be offered care provision at the facility is capped to a maximum of 25 children at any given point in time.
“The opening hours of the facility should also be restricted.”