An envelope full of holiday cash has gone missing for one unlucky person in Co Armagh.
Police have appealed the better nature of the public to help retrieve and return an envelope filled with euro, which went missing some time over the last two days.
A PSNI spokesperson said: “We’ve had a report of a sizeable amount of holiday cash having gone missing in Lurgan in the last 48 hours.
“If you come across a white envelope with a load of euro notes in it, please drop it into the station.
“It would be great to give someone good news to rescue their holiday a bit.”
They added: “A timely reminder to be very careful of valuables, especially cash.
“If you can’t do cash cards when travelling abroad, consider splitting your cash between the people in your group. That way it can’t all go missing at once.
“Money ropes for hanging round your neck are cheap and a good way of keeping cash close to you at all times.”
“Let’s share this to find the missing dosh.”