A group of children caused hundreds of pounds worth of damage after setting fire to roof insulation on a Co Armagh building site.
The incident happened near The Hollows on the Gilford Road in Lurgan over the Bank Holiday weekend.
A PSNI spokesperson explained: “This weekend, residents and workmen had to chase of groups of kids off [the building site] on several occasions.
“During one incident, our NIFRSsouth colleagues were called when kids tried to set fire to a pile of roof insulation. On another occasion, roof tiles were thrown from one of the buildings.
“Around £700 worth of damage was caused, yet when we spoke to the foreman his concern was the kids.”
Continuing, the spokesperson said: “We could very easily have been dealing with fatalities here. Building sites are not play grounds. If a child had fallen, there are any number of things aside from rubble on the ground they could have landed on. At best, a broken neck or back would be expected. That’s a life ruined, if not ended.
“If you know anything about those responsible, call us on 101. The incident number is 288 of 27/08/18.
“If you have even an incling that your kids could be involved- talk to them, before it’s too late.”