A rural Co Armagh primary school is once again putting itself at the heart of the local community by preparing salad bowls for residents who may be in need of a lift.
Killylea Primary School was awarded a cash sum of £500 in the form of a ‘Live Here Love Here’ community grant.
And the school immediately set about coming up with a plan to spend the money and bringing a smile and a little light to people who may be feeling the stresses and strains due to the current Covid-19 restrictions.
Principal Pam Lowry said the school had potted 50 salad bowls for distribution within the local community.
She is calling on people in the area to “nominate someone who has maybe suffered hardship, loneliness or bereavement at this time”.
Mrs Lowry told Armagh I : “We applied for small grant back at the beginning of April.
“Being a Learning Hub we thought it would be a good way to help our community during Covid-19 and this was a pre-requisite for the grant.
“Killylea PS is renowned for its eco credentials and growing seeds and veg has increased during lockdown and is a great way to get outdoors and improve mental health. The pupils at the hub helped to plant up the pots and now all we need are some nominations.”
People are being asked to send their nominations in the form of a private message to the Killylea Primary School Facebook page.
And they will be informed if they have been successful and the pots must then be collected from the school by this coming Friday, July 3.
This is not the first time the school has undertaken such a community-spirited exercise.
In 2018, as Killylea Primary prepared to celebrate its 80th anniversary, children potted and delivered sunflowers to residents in the village, with the aim being to award a prize to the person who could nurture and grow their plant to the largest size by a given date.
This – and the latest initiative by this valued village school – show why these rural schools are so important to the communities which hold them at their heart.
Well done once again Killylea Primary!