Planning permission has been granted for the construction of 11 dwellings close to the high school in Keady.
However, it was a close call, as the applicant had been given three years to meet a number of conditions – which she finally did, just three days prior to the expiry of outline approval.
The planning application addressing reserved matters was lodged by Blackgate Property Services Ltd, Newry, on behalf of Esther O’Neill, Navan Fort Road, Armagh.
The 11 dwellings, in the vicinity of 14 Madden Grange, will include eight semi-detached units and three detached homes, along with associated car parking, site access, ancillary site works and associated car parking.
ABC planning officers wrote in their report: “The application site was the subject of an outline planning application for 11 dwellings. The aforementioned application was granted approval on November 20, 2020.
“Having read the officers’ report of said application, and visited the site, it is evident that the characteristics of the site and its surrounding area have not changed significantly during the intervening time.”
Among others, the applicant had to comply with the following, upon being granted outline planning approval on November 20, 2020: an application for reserved matters had to be made within three years of the date of outline approval being granted; matters reserved included the siting, design and external appearance of the buildings approved, the means of access and the site’s proposed landscaping.
A five-metre (minimum) maintenance strip was also required adjacent to an existing watercourse, and sewage disposal issues had to be addressed as well.
The planning officers’ report continues: “The subject reserved matters application was received on November 17, 2023, i.e. three days prior to the expiry of the outline approval.
“Officers are of the opinion that the outline conditions have been complied with. The proposed dwellings each possess a two-storey emphasis, which reflect the two-storey appearance of the existing dwellings within Madden Grange, and all possess the same finishes.
“Officers are of the opinion that the development of this land for residential development respects the surrounding context, and that the proposed density of the development is respectful of the density of other housing developments in the wider area.
“Officers are [also] of the opinion that the proposed layout respects the existing pattern of development within Madden Grange.
“The proposed dwellings will respect the existing dwellings in relation to height, and will not therefore dominate the existing dwellings or the character of the streetscape.
“Officers are of the opinion that the proposed landscaped and hard-surfaced areas are appropriate, as hard surfacing has been limited to those areas required for access and parking provision, and boundaries have been defined by hedgerows, metal railings and close-boarded timber fencing.
“Officers are satisfied that the size of the dwellings will provide an acceptable living environment for prospective residents.”