A Keady-based charitable organisation which, only months ago faced possible closure, has now secured funding for the “foreseeable future” thanks to the generosity of the local community.
Don’t Box Me In (DBMI) has been providing young service users with access to the arts as a means of social interaction and therapy since 2017.
They describe themselves as “more than just a youth group”, offering a place of sanctuary to young people aged eight to 25 who struggle to engage in mainstream activities due to challenges including disability, cultural differences, experiences within the care system, or involvement in antisocial behaviour.
In November 2024 Chairperson Rosemary Murray issued an emotional appeal for support as the “lifeline service” prepared to close their doors in the midst of a “severe funding crisis.”
Related: Watch: Funding scarcity could see Keady-based ‘lifeline’ closed by end of year
Speaking to Armagh I at the time, Rosemary cited “competition for funding” as a main hurdle and had exhausted almost every avenue available.
Several of the group’s young participants spoke alongside Rosemary at the time of the appeal, expressing their love for the organisation and the many ways it has helped shape their lives.
However, Rosemary is now delighted to announce that “the community came out and supported us” and together they have raised just under £10,000 to help safeguard the group’s future.
The group’s own commitment to self-funding initiatives has been a huge factor in the total raised.
And, a “very generous” donation from Keady Credit Union and other local businesses helped push the total beyond anything they had imagined.
Rosemary said these funds will now enable DBMI to “continue to run for the foreseeable future”.
During a cheque presentation at DBMI’s long-term home at the town’s Tommy Makem Arts & Community Centre, Rosemary described the overwhelming level of support: “We held raffles, quizzes, Sean Doran Boxing Club held a sponsored cold dip and Chrissie even jumped in a lake!
“We have had some fantastic sponsorships at £100 a time and some for more. A new business called Extreme Graphics gave us £100 and Maidens of Mhacha donated, Orchard County Runners organised a sponsored run and gave us over £400.
“Shops like Spar, Mone’s and McGrane’s all helped too.
“It helps us to get up and going again. We had to really close down after September last year for a few months but this money will give us the breathing space and time to start applying for funding again.
“A lot of funders will ask for reserve funding in the application stage so now we have the reserves it should make a big difference.
“I have to say, nobody really knew about DBMI until the video we did with Armagh I. It was then that people started to take an interest.
“The goodwill it created and the amount of people who came out for the quiz alone was incredible. We weren’t expecting it at all.
“So thank you to every single person involved who helped make this happen.”