Plans to build 18 new homes in Eglish have been given the green light by Mid-Ulster Council.
Two separate applications were lodged for the homes to the recently erected Killyliss Manor estate in the village.
The first application to build 12 two-storey semi-detached properties in Eglish was lodged by agent J Aidan Kelly Ltd on behalf of applicant MSJ Contracts Ltd.
The application seeks permission to build the properties at sites 21, 23, 25, 27,29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 38 Killyliss Manor.
At a meeting of the planning committee on Tuesday, April 4, members were advised the site is accessed off the main Killyliss Road and cuts through the first part of the Killyliss Manor development.
It is also noted one objection had been received in relation to this application from a “concerned Roan Close resident”.
The concerns highlighted included: the proximity of the proposed dwellings to existing premises, road safety, increased traffic congestion, loss of privacy and loss of character.
Addressing these concerns the report notes the wall to wall separation of the nearest property is 20 meters at its closest point with a mature boundary along the property line and an additional fence line proposed.
It also notes the “new scheme involves an improved junction scheme at the junction of the Killyliss and Eglish Road” which it claims will bring “massive improvement to the road infrastructure and general area”.
However, the report does advise that NI Water has indicated that “sewage capacity within Eglish waste water treatment plant is not capable of accepting waste from this development”.
To address this issue, the agent has provided a “private treatment plant to cater for this proposal along with technical specification”.
Council’s environmental health team are content with this solution subject to “certain noise and odour levels being maintained”.
A second application to build six semi-detached homes in the same area was submitted on behalf of PKJ Construction Ltd.
The proposal sought permission to build the properties on sites 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 Killyliss Manor.
The application received two objections from “concerned Roan Close residents”.
The main concerns expressed by the objectors were: the dwellings proposed are in too close proximity to existing dwellings; road safety; increased traffic congestion; loss of privacy; loss of sunlight and loss of character.
Having assessed these concerns, Council’s planners are of the opinion the proposal is not detrimental enough to warrant a refusal and notes the site is an extension of the newly built Killyliss Manor.
“In terms of layout, scale, proportions, massing and appearance of the buildings, the dwellings will be of the same as the existing,” reads the report.
“There will be no impact on the character of the area.”
Both applications were approved.