A planning application for 80 units, including 56 dwellings and 24 apartments, as well as eight industrial units for light industrial use and storage, was approved at last Tuesday’s (March 5) Planning Committee of Mid Ulster District Council.
The planning application had been lodged by O’Callaghan Planning in Newry.
The major development will be erected immediately North of 31 Ballygawley Road, Dungannon, and it will be bounded by Cloneen and Ballysaggart Park to the south and west.
The case officer report states: “Planning approval was granted on lands, including this site, for a mixed-use scheme in 2011.
“This approval was granted as an ‘exception’ to normal policy restrictions. This permission has now lapsed.
“The development should be encouraged as it is providing an element of social housing where there is a need for this in the area.”