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Judge tells domestic abuser ‘you are no longer in control’


A 27-year-old man who admitted, what was described in court, as a disturbing social media campaign and other offences against his ex-partner has narrowly avoided prison with a judge informing him: “You are no longer in control”.

Zach McAnenly, from Cluaneo Meadows, Coalisland breached a Non-Molestation Order and sent grossly offensive and intimidating messages on dates between and February 11.

Prior to that he engaged in abusive behaviour causing physical or psychological harm between May 1 and May 31; sent a menacing message on November 15 and breached a Non-Molestation Order on December 21 – all in 2023.

Dungannon Magistrates’ Court heard earlier this year police received a report expressing concerns over 13 “disturbing” Instagram posts by McAnenly about his ex-partner and her family.

The victim was unaware until informed by police, but when shown them, she felt “intimidated and worried”.

She disclosed previous issues of domestic abuse in which McAnenly attempted to “limit or stop” contact with her family.

She recalled, while pregnant with their child, he made her feel “like she was going crazy” and when the baby was born felt trapped in the house.

He didn’t want her to see her family and insisted she had mental health issues, telling this to various members of the community.

Due to this behaviour, she ended the relationship and moved back to her family, however, when she tried to get her belongings, including the child’s bed, McAnenly refused, unless she agreed to spend time with him.

When police went to arrest him, it transpired he was in hospital but was detained when discharged on February 29.

During interview he made partial admissions to the posts but denied they were aimed at the victim.

While claiming not to remember some of the posts, McAnenly described his Instagram as “a private diary”.

He claimed a post showing an image of a balaclava “represented his loss of identity”.

Another post contained images of legal documents and a baseball bat which indicated him “beaten and failed by the legal system”.

The victim was left terrified for herself and her family.

A defence barrister explained McAnenly’s mother was perturbed by his behaviour and he was admitted to hospital.

His father later maintained he shouldn’t have been discharged as a further assessment was required and was “released by mistake”.

The defence told the court the couple had been in a long-term relationship when McAnenly “formed an alcohol dependency”.

This contributed to the collapse of the relationship, which in turn, impacted on his mental wellbeing.

District Judge Francis Rafferty noted: “We’ve established he’s a bully and a coward. He claims to be concerned that if jailed he may lose his job which would surprise me as he’s employed by his father.”

The defence said McAnenly told police during interview he could not remember posting the messages, but understood how they could be upsetting, intending them to be about self-harm.

It was pointed out there is active medical involvement and McAnenly is now in “a stable position” with no further offending.

Addressing him directly Judge Rafferty said: “I’m going to put you to the test. Your behaviour has passed the custodial threshold and the court would be perfectly entitled to send you to jail for the absolutely disgraceful way you have behaved, mental health difficulties or not.

“You need to address your attitudes toward intimate partners. You were selfish, self-centred but to a larger degree it’s about control. You’re no longer in control of this process. In many ways it is in control of you.”

He handed down a two year Probation Order and warned there must be full engagement with all programmes of work.

In addition, Judge Rafferty imposed a two year Restraining Order banning McAnenly from contacting his ex-partner.

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