A woman who swindled her employer out of more than £23,600 has been ordered to pay back just £7,500 – or face up to two years in prison.
Kirsten Alexandra Stevenson, of Gallows Street in Dromore, appeared at Craigavon Crown Court for sentencing on a single count of theft on Thursday.
The 34-year-old is accused of stealing cash from her employer – a shop in Laurencetown – on dates between August 13, 2022 and January 24, 2023.
Stevenson had her original sentencing hearing deferred for six months in order for her to begin paying back £100 a week, which the court – on Thursday – heard she had been doing successfully.
Over that period, Stevenson, who has been working as a warehouse operative, was able to save up £2,600.
In handing down a two year prison sentence – suspended for two years – His Honour Judge Ramsey ordered Stevenson to pay back a further £4,900 over the next 26 weeks.
He said: “You’re very fortunate and should be grateful to Judge Kerr for deferring the sentence in order for you to be able to carry out this work, but you have kept to your side of the court’s expectation of you and you deserve credit for that which is why you have received a suspended sentence today.”
The judge told Stevenson’s barrister that should she require more time to pay an extension request could be lodged with the court.