Councillors across the political divide were unanimous in their support for the Council to lobby the creation of a Perinatal Hospice Care facility in Northern Ireland.
The motion, tabled by DUP councillor Paul Greenfield and party colleague Gareth Wilson, asked that ABC Council contact the Department of Health and lobby for such a facility to be created to support mothers and unborn children where a diagnosis of a severe life limiting condition has been made.
Commenting after the motion was passed councillor Greenfield and his colleague Alderman Wilson stated: “Our motion was clear in its message that both the life of the mother and the unborn child matter and it was also a opportunity to highlight the need and importance for more specialised and co-ordinated support structure for parents who are faced with the situation of having a child in the womb diagnosed with a life limiting condition.”
They concluded: “We feel creating a Perinatal Hospice Care facility would be a significant and worthy step forward and any additional support for parents who find themselves in this situation would be welcomed.
“We were very grateful for the unanimous support of the the Council on this most sensitive of issues.”
Aontú councillor Fergal Lennon said his party supports the right to life of everyone.
“Indeed we are the only all-Ireland party that support the right to human life,” he said.
Adding: “Our objective is to make sure that mothers have all the supports necessary to give them the confidence to bring their child into this world.
“In the case of unborn children, with life limiting conditions we must ensure that we have the necessary investment in hospital and perinatal services.
“It is very clear that once you start legislating for limited abortion or quickly turns to abortion on demand a position that has been adopted by SF and SDLP leadership.”