Members of the public will have three chances to discuss the Southern Health Trust’s plans to cut £6.4m from services this year.
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust is hosting public meetings as part of its consultation on its draft Savings Plan for 2017/2018.
Health and Social Care Trusts across Northern Ireland have been tasked by the Department of Health with developing draft plans to deliver a total of £70m of savings in 2017/18 which must be achieved as part of the financial plan for this year.
The Southern Trust’s draft plans were issued for public consultation following a meeting of Trust Board on Thursday, August 24.
The public meetings will take place on:
- Tuesday 26th September, Boardroom, Craigavon Area Hospital (Main Building) from 6-8pm.
- Wednesday 27th September, Conference Room, Ballybot House, Newry from 4-6pm.
- Thursday 28th September, Workshop Room 1, Marketplace Theatre, Armagh from 2-4pm.
Southern Trust proposals will contribute £6.4m towards the regional health and social care savings target of £70m.
The main points of the plan are:
- There is no direct impact on current staff, but the Trust will maintain current vacancy management processes;
- Planned service developments will be progressed as quickly as possible, but are unlikely to be implemented before April 2018;
- The Trust currently supplies small aids and appliances e.g. items for personal care to clients to support them at home. How these are provided will change to a home delivery service. Any clients affected will be contacted directly to explain how this will work.
The Southern Trust 2017/2018 Financial Planning Saving Plan is now out for consultation until 5th October and is available at: http://www.southerntrust.hscni.net/about/consultations.htm
Please contact the Trust’s Equality Unit to advise if you have any particular requirements to enable you to participate in the public meetings Email: Equality.Unit@southerntrust.hscni.net Tel: 028 375 64152 or 028 375 64247