Staff and patients were unharmed after a fire broke out at Craigavon Hospital this morning (Tuesday).
However, the Southern Trust say waiting time in A&E will likely increase due to the damaged area being unusable.
There were reports a man had set fire to a bed in the emergency department shortly after 7am.
The area was evacuated as a result.
A Southern Trust spokesperson said: “Part of Craigavon Area Hospital Emergency Dept. was damaged in an incident this morning but no patients or staff were harmed.
“The Emergency Department remains open today but the affected area remains closed.
“We expect that this incident will impact on waiting times and ask that people only come to the emergency department if they urgently require emergency care and treatment.”
Upper Bann UUP tweeted: “Shocked to hear this news this morning! Our NHS staff are under immense pressure as it is.
“Thankfully nobody was hurt but unfortunately the damaged area will remain closed which will add to the waiting time in A&E – please only go to the hospital if you require emergency care.”
A NI Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson confirmed two fire crews attended the scene but the fire was out on arrival. No action was taken by them.